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First Time at NW Airfield

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Ive played the game for a few days now and all I hear is people talking about the airfield. Some mention loot and treasures beyond my wildest dreams but others warn of impending bandit attacks and death traps.

I decide its about time I go in the search of better loot, my arsenal at the moment consists of:



CZ 550

Though im happy with this I wanted some NVG or a compass to go with my map. As I approch the airfield i turn into sneak mode, using the bushes and forest to scope out the airfield with my Binos. Its clear, no one is hear, no one has mentioned NW airfield on the chat and most of the action and bandits are apparently in Cherno at the moment. However, there was a distinct lack of zombies but I just assumed it was my lucky day.

I crawl around, weaving between the reamaining zombies as not to alert them, I search the Fire Station to find nothing but beans and bandages. I restock but was still curious to find my next big pile of loot so i decided to make my way to the radio tower opposite. Once again I get on my belt buckle and crawl, im crawling when suddenly I start hearing a crackling noise above my head, my adeniline starts to rush, I turn trying to locate the contact then as the rounds start to land next to me, The zombies are close to me and I cant risk running, I crawl but suddenly Zombies start to run after the gunshots. I take this chance to run to the radio tower but the entrance is blocked! I try to mantle the rubble in front but with no effort, I spin round to find the Bandit in the doorway of the fire station looking straight at me, I open fire but he retreats inside.

Suddenly a hail of gunfire rains down upon me, a group of 3 survivors open up on me as a sprint behind the radio tower. I shout out that im friendly and the gunfire ceases. The Bandit, named Russia (with all the letters facing the wrong way) proceeds to tell us he has a silenced M4 and is currently got eyes on me. He tells me what weapon I have in my hand and he is correct. My CZ 550, I change to my M4, scared that hes just round the cornor.

I spend the next 20 minutes, crawling slowly back away from the airfield, the group of survivors that are apparently friendly talk to me, asking questions telling me that they dont know where the bandit is.

Finnally i quit, just on the edge of the airfield, overlooking it from the forest, im sure next time ill find my NVG but today I was lucky to survive and im sure those baked beans taste all the sweeter

Jessop :)

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That's an awesome story! Unfortunately I only wen't there once when the loot was bugged. I was scared as hell and decided to bail out of there asap when I checked every hangar. I still have to return there someday but I am too scared someone will be camping there and shooting me.

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Well done to get out of there alive man, i dont know if id risk all that good kit for bonus items without a team or at least a wingman.

Plus once i saw the lack of zombos i would have just either waited and watched for a while or left till later on.

Btw was this at night? if so id like to know how you made it around cuz im actually curious how people do these airfield runs in the dark lol

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After playing for a week i finally made it up there this morning only to have the only loot be on player corpses. one of them mine.

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Went there last night, was dissapointing.

Loot in the barracks wouldn't respawn and a bad man logged in inside the building behind me and murdered me. Right after I found an M4A3 CCO SD (can only be found in barracks).

He then hid my body and logged out, so no chance for my buddy who was watching the door to get me some sweet revenge :(

Easy come easy go.

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Heh mine didn't end so well.

the airport had not loot but the player corpses, oh the player corpses. Looted every tool but NVG, a Remington and a suppressed mp5. 4 player corpses in total. As i climbed to the roof i was surprised to see the 5th corpse turn to point a long arm at me. I panicked, I never had such good loot. I emptied the Remington's clip into him and bolted. I lost all my wits and sprinted across the field. And i paid for it with being shot in the back as i ran.

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My first time there I was sneaking around and not seeing any bandits but quite a few zombies, i was between the fire-station and the tower when i noticed a bandit appeared inside the firestation, i noticed he started to aim at me so i sprinted around the fire-station, causing all the zombies to chase me, luckily the bandit came out of the door in the back and i ran close enough to him for the zombeis to attack him, he tried to shoot me but missed and i unloaded 4 m1014 slug rounds into him at very clsoe range, basically killing him( he D/Ced so i did not get to loot him :() but still had over 10 zombies on my back, i ran inside and dealt with them all. So awesome.

A few moments later i was in trying to make my way to the tower and wanted to crouch but accidentally started to sprint, causing 15 to 20 zombies to chase me( they all spawned back at this time as i had been up and down the field) so i ran inside the tower, luckily got through the front entrance and got to the stairs, looked back and noticed at least 13 to 14 zombies were all inside too, my heart was actually beating fast at this point and i remembered i found a grenade earlier, threw it and BOOM, killed the lot of them. Epic moments that works can not describe.

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I don't have this game yet,but i was watching a friend playing,and he was really unlucky.He had a sniper and a makarov,he was playing with his newly created character cause he had some deaths,and he was camping outside in the trees.he was not trying to shoot someone and loot him,he was checking if it was clear.Then a flare went off in one hangar,and we saw 2 bandits running to the tower.He said ok,let them go up and i'll kill them.He opened fire,got one,and the other ran away,just to get shot from an other sniper moments later.My friend was ready to sprint and loot,but with the presence of an other person there,he was too scared.He tried to contact the other guy through chat or voice,but noone replied.So he decided to camp there for a bit cause noone shot him or looked at him,so he could hide there and shoot anyone that tries to loot the bodies.The moment he turned his scope on the tower,he got shot from there.He didnt kill the bandit,and he had just given him time to bandage his wounds,eat and then search the area with his sniper,to find and eliminate my friend.Some seconds ago,we learned from the chat,that the bandits "were good survivors" and they were stuck with that skin cause they fought their group when they tried to steal their guns.(seems fake but anyways!)

At least,you managed to leave alive!i'm getting the game in some days,and we can go back together:)

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My first visit to the airfield was immediately ended by a sniper round. That's a tough area. I've since returned successfully. I love going there. Its so fucking intense.

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I can't even make it half way up the map to get there, I tend to rush through towns and gather 50~ zombies behind me, then I run out of ammo eventually suicide.

Maybe one day I'll get there :( It's hard going by yourself on everything, and I am online most at night so it's all dark!

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An easy solution is to stop charging through the middle of towns.

What exactly did you expect?

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I plan on making a pilgrimage to the airfield one of these days. Though, the thought of being wasted by unseen bandits/survivors before stepping foot on the tarmac gives me pause.

Ah well, one day.

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Our team hits the airfield regularly because we have the numbers to do so, if you are in a small group I wouldn't recommend it at night time but you can sneak through the forest and raid the barracks fairly easily.

Smoke grenades are your friends ;)

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Went there last night' date=' was dissapointing.

Loot in the barracks wouldn't respawn and a bad man logged in inside the building behind me and murdered me. Right after I found an M4A3 CCO SD (can only be found in barracks).

He then hid my body and logged out, so no chance for my buddy who was watching the door to get me some sweet revenge :(

Easy come easy go.


I know that man :-)

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Still need to make way up there, I always stuck in the south, for either beeing killed by survivors, or the result of my bad connection if it comes for a battle with a bandit..,.the last time, I put 5 rounds of my makarov in a bandit when I suddenly died...That must be due to the connection which is way to small...hopefully one day, it´ll be better and the bandits then are mine...:)

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