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Some beginner questions : )

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Greetings, fellow survivors!

I play Day Z since two or three days now. In that time I got a hang of some aspects of this game. But there are still some things I would like to now. So here are my questions:

1. I´ve heard that you get more thirsty and hungry even if you are logged out. To prevent starving I would like to ask how much time can pass after the last drink or meal before the character is dying?

2. I´m a third person player. Some Servers don´t have it tough. Is there a way to favorise a server to get better overwiew over all those servers?

3. Are there some german players who would like a bandit on their side? Never found any other germans...at least other germans with mic's.

I can speak english not too bad...but I´m too scared to play with english speaking players because I´m afraid they will tear me appart because it is not my native language :P

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1. I dont know exactly how long it will take before a player starves or is thirsty, but I would recommend you always have some canned food and some pepsi when you log out.

2. Most of the times the veteran and hardcore servers have this function off, some do have it on though. But I think almost most of the Regular difficulty servers have it on though so you can search for that.

3. I'm Dutch and a friendly Bandit to other known Bandits, so if you see me ingame just sent me a message :)

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Mein Deutsch ist nicht zu toll, aber mein Englisch ist sehr gut. Maybe we can teach each other a little while we're out surviving? I can handle broken English, and it might be a nice (though dangerous) experiment trying to communicate in a difficult situation.

Though we'd probably speak mostly English, because you're already way better at it than I am at Deutsch :D

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Thanks again to you two. But I FINALLY remembered the fourth question I had. A little bit later but oh well...

4. How wide is the range of the voice chat ingame?

4b. Does it get louder the more you are at its source?

4c. are zombies affected by this? Do you need to whisper when zeds are near?

4d. Do I have to be on a special channel for others in my AREA to hear me? Don´t want everyone on the server to hear me. Would be emberessing to notice everyone was able to hear me for half an hour ://<

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4. I've heard it is 20m, I also heard it is adjustable.

4b. Judging from videos? Yes

4c. I am not sure, but it would be neat.

4d. Direct Comm. But currently until Arma II patches with a new patch, we can't use it. Theres a beta patch that makes it work temporarily though.

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4d. Direct Comm. But currently until Arma II patches with a new patch' date=' we can't use it. Theres a beta patch that makes it work temporarily though.


can you tell me where to find this patch? I found two survivors today and they definitely spoke ingame. Thats how I found them :)

would be pretty neat to talk to others ingame.

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