lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) Here are the features I want to be in the "final" Day Z:- Car keys (you will find 2 keys in the car when it spawns and can use it as any item and the keys will look different for every vehicle type)- Car hacking tools (there will be a very rare item so you could hack any car, maybe divided into trunk-open and start-engine tools)- Housing / Bases (Any house can be taken from a player or a team to put their stuff in etc. / You maybe need to find locks or sth. / I think this is already an idea from Rocket so thumbsup for that)- Garages (basically the same idea as above; just for vehicles)- Experience (I am not so sure about this but I think it would increase gameplay if you could only use some items with a higher zombie kill count (or just xp by killing players, looting, running around); so you could use pistols just when you have killed 10 walkers; nightvision just with 200 or sth. like that)- Penalties (to avoid player killing I think it should be implemented some downsides on killing other players; the best in my mind is just to make it realistic so in real world if some idiot went around killing people the "normal" guys would team up and hunt him down so you gotta give us some tools to do that like radio and maybe some boards where you can put names or even pictures (with cameras you find in the game) of assholes that kill innocent people; big thumbs up for implementing radios as it is an idea of Rocket as well!!!)- Throwing stuff (I wanna be able to throw ammo to friends or hatchets at walkers etc. -- not too big an issue but it sure would be nice)- Hiding stuff (yeah just let us hide stuff anywhere and not just in tents -- maybe under special items like stones etc. (maybe 100 spots on the whole map or sth like that))- Notes (would be nice if you could build signs or at least write notes and leave it anywhere you want)- Swarms (I think huge groups of walkers should walk around on the whole map; like 2-3 of them (up to 100) just randomly move everywhere; would help to not feel save anywhere; maybe drop some big items when killing the whole swarm)- Shops (Would be nice to have some sort of currency to buy / trade stuff from some A.I.)- Safe zones (like an army camp where if you shoot, AI shoots you back; not 100% imba though you could try to kill the AI with like 5 or 10 friends; maybe you could only spawn there to prevent spawn kills etc.; will be automatically set back to the nearest safe zone if you don't save in one)- Ships (random ships that appear on the water with a lot of loot would just be nice, I guess)- Selfmade skins (to team up you need some sort of special item or skin to wear; would be great if you could add some with photoshop! individulization is a big point if you wanna make that game successfull in my mind)- Remove the fucking beartraps!!! (jk insidejoke with #dayz on qnet) :DMaybe I will be having more ideas so stay tuned as I am broadcasting on all am frequencies! ;)Feel free to comment :) Edited July 13, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asasaint 10 Posted July 13, 2012 I agree with everything, except the Experience,shops, Safe zone. but other than that i like the ideas of having car keys, locks, chests,selfmade skins, etc.. listed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XAM 48 Posted July 13, 2012 Here are the features I want to be in the "final" Day Z:- Housing / Bases (Any house can be taken from a player or a team to put their stuff in etc. / You maybe need to find locks or sth. / I think this is already an idea from Rocket so thumbsup for that)- Penalties (to avoid player killing I think it should be implemented some downsides on killing other players; the best in my mind is just to make it realistic so in real world if some idiot went around killing people the "normal" guys would team up and hunt him down so you gotta give us some tools to do that like radio and maybe some boards where you can put names or even pictures (with cameras you find in the game) of assholes that kill innocent people; big thumbs up for implementing radios as it is an idea of Rocket as well!!!)- Throwing stuff (I wanna be able to throw ammo to friends or hatchets at walkers etc. -- not too big an issue but it sure would be nice)- Hiding stuff (yeah just let us hide stuff anywhere and not just in tents -- maybe under special items like stones etc. (maybe 100 spots on the whole map or sth like that))- Notes (would be nice if you could build signs or at least write notes and leave it anywhere you want)- Swarms (I think huge groups of walkers should walk around on the whole map; like 2-3 of them (up to 100) just randomly move everywhere; would help to not feel save anywhere; maybe drop some big items when killing the whole swarm)- Safe zones (like an army camp where if you shoot, AI shoots you back; not 100% imba though you could try to kill the AI with like 5 or 10 friends; maybe you could only spawn there to prevent spawn kills etc.; will be automatically set back to the nearest safe zone if you don't save in one)- Ships (random ships that appear on the water with a lot of loot would just be nice, I guess)- Selfmade skins (to team up you need some sort of special item or skin to wear; would be great if you could add some with photoshop! individulization is a big point if you wanna make that game successfull in my mind)These are the ones I liked.And I feel I have to leave a comment about Penalties of shooting other players. Currently I'm killing anyone I don't know that is wielding a weapon. And I really like the PVP part of the game. Even though I think there should be some downside to it. Nothing to extreme though, it should still be worth killing other players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 13, 2012 Yeah, exactly. But you should get a choice, now it's just that you benefit A LOT from killing others. No gameplay there... :/ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 450 Posted July 13, 2012 Not a big fan of the whole WOW part of your ideas. This is not one of those MMORPGs, next thing you will be asking for meaningless quests. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 13, 2012 Throwing stuff and Notes is about the only good suggestions imo.The rest is "please make this game so much more easier so that I don't loose my stuff to bandits" Locks and keys, seriously, you're up against people with axes and weapons, a lock is pretty damn easy to open with these tools.And your thoughts about penalties to PKers, seriously, if there were no threat from bandits, everyone would leave this game because it got boring. I know I would. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) I tI tNot a big fan of the whole WOW part of your ideas. This is not one of those MMORPGs, next thing you will be asking for meaningless quests.This infact is the first playable MMORPG, if you don't see that you must be blind.Throwing stuff and Notes is about the only good suggestions imo.The rest is "please make this game so much more easier so that I don't loose my stuff to bandits" Locks and keys, seriously, you're up against people with axes and weapons, a lock is pretty damn easy to open with these tools.And your thoughts about penalties to PKers, seriously, if there were no threat from bandits, everyone would leave this game because it got boring. I know I would.I totally disagree. It's just that there is no endgame right now because you can't build a base because everytime you logout everything is just gone. That kind of ruins it for people who love the longterm effects of the game.And my thoughts of PKers are that a game like that shouldn't be played like Counter-Strike because this would make it so much more stupid and would infact hit those in the face who see a game with so much social potential in it. Please feel free to leave to the 1000 other games where you can PVP yourself with others and leave us our onetime jewel that we are lucky to have... :/ Edited July 13, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 13, 2012 I tI tThis infact is the first playable MMORPG, if you don't see that you must be blind.I totally disagree. It's just that there is no endgame right now because you can't build a base because everytime you logout everything is just gone. That kind of ruins it for people who love the longterm effects of the game.And my thoughts of PKers are that a game like that shouldn't be played like Counter-Strike because this would make it so much more stupid and would infact hit those in the face who see a game with so much social potential in it. Please feel free to leave to the 1000 other games where you can PVP yourself with others and leave us our onetime jewel that we are lucky to have... :/Try and play this game like counterstrike, i guarantee you you'd be dead within minutes. This game is about letting players do whatever they want, how they want. And if I want to sneak around picking off targets, then thats what im gonna do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 450 Posted July 13, 2012 This infact is the first playable MMORPG, if you don't see that you must be blind.That's why I said 'one of those' refering to WoW. <.<And your ideas with the whole 'Exp/Lvl/SpecialAbilities' would turn it into one of those MMORPGs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) Try and play this game like counterstrike, i guarantee you you'd be dead within minutes. This game is about letting players do whatever they want, how they want. And if I want to sneak around picking off targets, then thats what im gonna do.That's what you should do OF COURSE! But it shouldn't be the only choice because then we have yet another multiplayer deathmatch title at our hands where we could really have a huge experience where you have to decide if you want to rob ppl, shoot them or even help them!If you are telling me that that would be worse, PLZ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GTFO! And I am not trying to be an ass here, it's just that I am 100% sure that no one wants yet another brainless shooter (that doesn't even have the best engine). ;)That's why I said 'one of those' refering to WoW. <.<And your ideas with the whole 'Exp/Lvl/SpecialAbilities' would turn it into one of those MMORPGs.You are saying it like my whole ideas would be like that. I just put it into the discussion... see "I am not so sure about this but I think it would increase gameplay..."And trust me on this one: If the developers don't get the endgame fixed to sth. more than shoot him and shoot that the 500k players will leave the boat quicker than rats on a burning nutshell! :o Edited July 13, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riis 22 Posted July 13, 2012 That's what you should do OF COURSE! But it shouldn't be the only choice because then we have yet another multiplayer deathmatch title at our hands where we could really have a huge experience where you have to decide if you want to rob ppl, shoot them or even help them!If you are telling me that that would be worse, PLZ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GTFO! And I am not trying to be an ass here, it's just that I am 100% sure that no one wants yet another brainless shooter (that doesn't even have the best engine). ;)You are saying it like my whole ideas would be like that. I just put it into the discussion... see "I am not so sure about this but I think it would increase gameplay..."You are being an ass, you're making the assumption that everyone who disagrees with you are mainstream brainless shooter players. Most are not actually, they've just embraced this game in a different way than you. You want to go around being the good survivor that you are, setting up societies and whatnot, good for you, and you should have the tools to do that. Others like me want to go around robbing people, killing people, making our own societies built on survival of the fittest and not some dream of democracy and being the good samaritan, and we should have the tools to do that. But what you're suggesting is that we be penalized for playing the game that way? Where would the tension go? Where would the paranoia go? If I could run around in this game not being afraid of people because they'd be penalized for killing me, then the fun of this game would be gone.If you want to do something about bandits, do it in game, don't wish for the game to do it for ya. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 450 Posted July 13, 2012 lol, you should stop blending out parts of what I said. Read my first post again and tell me wether I said 'No, your ideas are shitty and make it like wow!'. I can assure you I did not. I said the part of your ideas that have the whole 'WoW/MMORPG vibe' about them, I'm not a big fan of. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 13, 2012 (edited) You are being an ass, you're making the assumption that everyone who disagrees with you are mainstream brainless shooter players. Most are not actually, they've just embraced this game in a different way than you. You want to go around being the good survivor that you are, setting up societies and whatnot, good for you, and you should have the tools to do that. Others like me want to go around robbing people, killing people, making our own societies built on survival of the fittest and not some dream of democracy and being the good samaritan, and we should have the tools to do that. But what you're suggesting is that we be penalized for playing the game that way? Where would the tension go? Where would the paranoia go? If I could run around in this game not being afraid of people because they'd be penalized for killing me, then the fun of this game would be gone.If you want to do something about bandits, do it in game, don't wish for the game to do it for ya.Maybe you haven't read my initial post and my idea with bandits and what to do with them. If you have I only want to say "WTF are you talking about?" -.-lol, you should stop blending out parts of what I said. Read my first post again and tell me wether I said 'No, your ideas are shitty and make it like wow!'. I can assure you I did not. I said the part of your ideas that have the whole 'WoW/MMORPG vibe' about them, I'm not a big fan of.Yeah sorry mate, you are right. I give you that. I am not even a big fan of those ideas myself but I just want sth. to do after I got all the equipment and I have no ideas on that rather then leveling or xp... maybe someone else can come up with sth. nice?! ;) Edited July 13, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted July 13, 2012 I like:- Car hacking tools, repairing is one thing, but you will still need to start the f'r. More items to restrict the game more is a great way to make the game harder...- Hiding stuff, i am not sure what triggers despawns of items (if at all) if you just leave something under a tree somewhere. Finding it back though ;) ... if not possible then i think adding 'staches' to the game will increase the possibility to stach away loot and it will increase the places to find loot- Notes, while in a sense i see this open for 'abuse', it should automatically put your character name on it, and a report button, so if you write: #$&)(*%&) i can just click 'report' and have your sorry ass warned with an ingame infraction!Bases be nice, but just how i don't know, as long as Zed's glitch through stuff they are fairly useless to keep yourself safe. And keys are ok, as long as i can use the crowbar to still get in your house and eat your beans! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted July 13, 2012 Here are the features I want to be in the "final" Day Z:- Car keys (you will find 2 keys in the car when it spawns and can use it as any item and the keys will look different for every vehicle type)- Car hacking tools (there will be a very rare item so you could hack any car, maybe divided into trunk-open and start-engine tools)- Housing / Bases (Any house can be taken from a player or a team to put their stuff in etc. / You maybe need to find locks or sth. / I think this is already an idea from Rocket so thumbsup for that)- Garages (basically the same idea as above; just for vehicles)- Experience (I am not so sure about this but I think it would increase gameplay if you could only use some items with a higher zombie kill count (or just xp by killing players, looting, running around); so you could use pistols just when you have killed 10 walkers; nightvision just with 200 or sth. like that)- Penalties (to avoid player killing I think it should be implemented some downsides on killing other players; the best in my mind is just to make it realistic so in real world if some idiot went around killing people the "normal" guys would team up and hunt him down so you gotta give us some tools to do that like radio and maybe some boards where you can put names or even pictures (with cameras you find in the game) of assholes that kill innocent people; big thumbs up for implementing radios as it is an idea of Rocket as well!!!)- Throwing stuff (I wanna be able to throw ammo to friends or hatchets at walkers etc. -- not too big an issue but it sure would be nice)- Hiding stuff (yeah just let us hide stuff anywhere and not just in tents -- maybe under special items like stones etc. (maybe 100 spots on the whole map or sth like that))- Notes (would be nice if you could build signs or at least write notes and leave it anywhere you want)- Swarms (I think huge groups of walkers should walk around on the whole map; like 2-3 of them (up to 100) just randomly move everywhere; would help to not feel save anywhere; maybe drop some big items when killing the whole swarm)- Shops (Would be nice to have some sort of currency to buy / trade stuff from some A.I.)- Safe zones (like an army camp where if you shoot, AI shoots you back; not 100% imba though you could try to kill the AI with like 5 or 10 friends; maybe you could only spawn there to prevent spawn kills etc.; will be automatically set back to the nearest safe zone if you don't save in one)- Ships (random ships that appear on the water with a lot of loot would just be nice, I guess)- Selfmade skins (to team up you need some sort of special item or skin to wear; would be great if you could add some with photoshop! individulization is a big point if you wanna make that game successfull in my mind)- Remove the fucking beartraps!!! (jk insidejoke with #dayz on qnet) :DMaybe I will be having more ideas so stay tuned as I am broadcasting on all am frequencies! ;)Feel free to comment :)Welcome, you've chosen the wrong game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Well Lady Karah, as there is no other game like this I will still be trying to make it the right game for me. You are free to do the same ...If I will not succeed I have no problem stopping to play DayZ as my time is very limited as it is and I won't waste it on sth. I don't enjoy 100% :) I like:- Car hacking tools, repairing is one thing, but you will still need to start the f'r. More items to restrict the game more is a great way to make the game harder...- Hiding stuff, i am not sure what triggers despawns of items (if at all) if you just leave something under a tree somewhere. Finding it back though ;) ... if not possible then i think adding 'staches' to the game will increase the possibility to stach away loot and it will increase the places to find loot- Notes, while in a sense i see this open for 'abuse', it should automatically put your character name on it, and a report button, so if you write: #$&)(*%&) i can just click 'report' and have your sorry ass warned with an ingame infraction!Bases be nice, but just how i don't know, as long as Zed's glitch through stuff they are fairly useless to keep yourself safe. And keys are ok, as long as i can use the crowbar to still get in your house and eat your beans!The AI will kill the walkers coming through, hopefully. ;)The note thing will be tough, though. I doubt that Bohemia has the manpower to check all the reports and act accordingly. And I think it wouldn't be a problem because in an apocalyptic world everybody could write what he or she wants. ;) Edited July 16, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 119 Posted July 16, 2012 I don't like the MMO side of your suggestion. Like IRL "Oh cool I found an Assault rifle! Oh it won't shoot because I didn't kill 50 zombies!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazedaze 89 Posted July 16, 2012 do you have any idea to hotwire a car? cars in dayz are older models. they are especially easier. you lost me with keys and the whole thing about cars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) hazedaze: games are not only about representing real-life but have to fit their gameplay elements to ensure an entertaining experience - I wish ppl would finally get this. :/btw. just had another idea in #dayz on qnet:[10:42] <lgg> maybe they should split dayz into a rpg and a dm version[10:42] <lgg> that would actually be best, I guess[10:43] <lgg> on one you could team up with radio, buy items in shops and have AI[10:43] <lgg> on the other it's just pure rampage[10:43] <lgg> would also increase the long time motivation, I guesswhat's your mind on that? I think it would really work out great as there are so many ppl who want different things from the game as it is now. :o Edited July 16, 2012 by lg{R} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted July 16, 2012 Lots of interesting ideas here, so i'm gonna go point by point.- Car keys : I'm not sure about the interest of this feature, any old crowbar or axe will do quick work of your trunk lock, and for starting the car? I always assumed everyone simply hotwired those rustpiles on chernarus.- Car hacking tools Meh, see what i said before.- Housing / Bases locking, is a typical modern world idea (that locks are somehow magic), after a couple hours of practice, anyone can lockpick your average house lock. You could have to do a lot of reeinforcing work, the lock is only one aspect, what about the windows, or simlply setting up traps. Your forest shack can't really be a bunker and will only last so long against a dedicated burglar. Simply kill him.- Garages Sounds like someone is coming from GTA, i'm okay with this, but to me it's just a building big enough to put a car in.- Experience I'm not sure about "level requirements" but i do believe there should be a good incentive to survive as long as possible.- Penalties Not much to say about this, the only idea i had that would somewhat work (yet doesn't make sense) is that for every other player you kill, you need to wait 5 to 10 more minutes to respawn, in the case of a compulsive killer, it would put him out of the picture for several hours.- Throwing stuff I agree that would be nice, but i doubt we will see it happen.- Hiding stuff The base idea is interesting, but your implementation will be on every dayZ map guide in less than a week.- Notes I agree.- Swarms THey shouldn't move randomly i believe, this is the kind of stuff that would be atracted by vehicle noises, firefights, explosions and helicopters.- Shops Ermmm what?- Safe zones That's just a terrible idea, it's one of those things you really have to do yourself.- Ships Raid dungeons? seriously?- Selfmade skins You DO know that you can make your own face in photoshop right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightnings0ul 19 Posted July 16, 2012 Lots of interesting ideas here, so i'm gonna go point by point.- Car keys : I'm not sure about the interest of this feature, any old crowbar or axe will do quick work of your trunk lock, and for starting the car? I always assumed everyone simply hotwired those rustpiles on chernarus.- Car hacking tools Meh, see what i said before.-> See RL - gameplay difference- Housing / Bases locking, is a typical modern world idea (that locks are somehow magic), after a couple hours of practice, anyone can lockpick your average house lock. You could have to do a lot of reeinforcing work, the lock is only one aspect, what about the windows, or simlply setting up traps. Your forest shack can't really be a bunker and will only last so long against a dedicated burglar. Simply kill him.-> it's just annoying to logout and see all your stuff gone everytime. you will then decide to not get any more stuff than you carry and you're basically done with the game after 12 hours - sorry, but this sucks!- Garages Sounds like someone is coming from GTA, i'm okay with this, but to me it's just a building big enough to put a car in.-> see above- Experience I'm not sure about "level requirements" but i do believe there should be a good incentive to survive as long as possible.-> exactly- Penalties Not much to say about this, the only idea i had that would somewhat work (yet doesn't make sense) is that for every other player you kill, you need to wait 5 to 10 more minutes to respawn, in the case of a compulsive killer, it would put him out of the picture for several hours.-> I don't think we should actually go ahead and "hurt" ppl for killing others but use gameplay elements to make it harder to kill ppl thus atleast creating a choice.- Throwing stuff I agree that would be nice, but i doubt we will see it happen.-> ;)- Hiding stuff The base idea is interesting, but your implementation will be on every dayZ map guide in less than a week.-> Absolutely my thought - it's like you were reading my mind. Still I would like to have it. ;)- Notes I agree.-> me2, how freaking unbelievable. :P- Swarms THey shouldn't move randomly i believe, this is the kind of stuff that would be atracted by vehicle noises, firefights, explosions and helicopters.-> agreed.- Shops Ermmm what?-> dk if it's a good idea but I would love to see it implemented to see how it works. I like currency dynamics somehow. Now we don't really have anything to trade rather than bloodbags or ammo but ammo can't be used between 2 players very often because they have different weapons. If we had currency it would also maybe stop ppl from killing others and switch to trading...- Safe zones That's just a terrible idea, it's one of those things you really have to do yourself.-> It's mainly for spawning reasons and that it would be fun to just talk to ppl about chernarus, drastically enhancing the atmosphere part, I think. ;)- Ships Raid dungeons? seriously?-> just a small idea - not really necessarry though- Selfmade skins You DO know that you can make your own face in photoshop right?-> Yes and it's nice to have it, but the face isn't seen well enough to serve the problem I was mentioning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites