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What's the weirdest way you have died?

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I was in some random small town with only one enter-able building, when I noticed something strange. The building's back porch was roughly half a meter in the air. I thought nothing of it and tried to vault in, hoping to find a shiny new 1911 or maybe even a map. As my legs swung over the gap, I was suddenly transported to the twilight zone. Half my body was in some ungodly abyss reserved for those sent to the most feared circles of hell, while the top of my character dangled helplessly out of the floor of the building. My back was snapped instantly, and I fell through the floor foaming at the mouth as crawling zombies came from the darkness to finish off my paralyzed character. Such is life in DayZ

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Logged in and the game decided to spawn me at the top of the tree I had logged out under, I was where the hell im I, one step forward SPLAT.

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Tried to get into an armory in nw airfield with a bench in the way . Tried to step over it snaps my leg gives me a cuncussion makes me bleed then teleports me onto the roof of the building where there is a lovely zed waitin to slap me in the face I roll off the roof onto the ground and into 6 angry mouths I didn't last long , prob the worst minute in dayz I've had . Shitting bricks !!

My other death was the result of one of my teammates tryin to exit a cattle shed just as I was . We're both running from zombies and the lag makes us get stuck as we exit this takes 10,000 blood straight away and breaks my leg , needless to say all I could do was wait to be eaten as my friend watches on in horror as my screams for help go unaided as he is dying aswell just outside the door that we both tried to rush through .

Lesson learned ... Take you're time kids it'll save you're life

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In prone position, open a door, door hits my head, knocks me out, takes 9kish blood, and leaves me bleeding. I bleed to death unconscious without a zombie or player in sight.

Another time, when my friend and I were first playing, we were checking out a small farm. We managed to get a lot of aggro and we are running and running, him a bit ahead of me. We go up this hill, and he's telling me he's going to start shooting. He turns around and shoots me in the face and kills me.

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Was just north of Cherno on my way to the forest, ready to go travelling, when I hear a quadbike.

I turn around in amazement as I've never even seen a vehicle yet and I guess the moment took me because, despite the fact it's coming straight for me, I freeze like a damn startled rabbit and get run over.

Didn't shoot, didn't move... nothing.

Serves me.

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