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Looking for a UK Squad.. not a big team

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I have changed the thread now as i believe im done looking for people as some people have added me. So i am changing this thread to allow other UK players to meet other UK players and form groups and what not. Thanks for the replies and feedback. Hopefully you find what your looking for.

Edited by JackPearce95

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Hi Jack. I'm at a similar stage to you, I've been playing for a while now as a lone-wolf, getting to grips with the game. I've got to the point where I'm also thinking of setting up a small camp ,I've already started but I'm not sure what the state of play with the tents is? My next goal is to fix up a vehicle. I'm not part of a group but I am looking so if you fancy teaming up or find a good (small) group to join then gimme a shout.

P.S - I'm not on steam.

Edited by Fraggle

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I've got a small group of friends (real world) that are looking for more people to talk too... One of my friends i've met through DayZ lives in the US, the rest of us are all UK based...

We are looking for more people to play with, 3 of us are experienced players with one player learning the ropes from the rest of us... We do everything you can think of on this game, with a good mix of PK, looting, survival, camping loot area's and Hunting players.

If you want to join us.

My skype - SuicidalParadox

We are usually on Tony Montana's server.

Hopefully speak to you soon

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I would happily join anyone. I've always run alone on DayZ and it's so boring. I'll try adding some of you guys. Also in UK and looking for the same goals you are.

Steam: Emmo2gee

Skype: wtg_emmo2gee

ArmA2: Emmo2gee

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Hi suicidalknight im interested in joining your group or anyone to be honest, been playing about a week got a good grasp of the game im a god gun mam sniper any weapon really

i new to this finding loot but doin o skype is synax-andy

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Ive been playing two days now and ive got hang of it now, i too would like to play with others, i have mic and im from uk,

Steam name:


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I've been playing just over a week now. Interesting in finding a team to play with, would make a change from teams killing me.

Time zone: UK (GMT)

Skype: dimitremoscow

Steam: whyto

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I use UK11 for my home server which i did not mention ... but due to my tents disappearing i can change to another. I use UK11 because i can talk to the admin sometimes who is great. Also i have a great connection and it is stable for me to use. As i have said im only looking for around 4 of us as im not interested in large hording groups. But UK11 i would prefer to be honest, let me know?

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Hey im new to Dayz, played a few times getting to grips with the game fairly fast, let me know if you wanna play i do have teamspeak server we can use :)

Sounds really good, TS would be a good thing to use i think but yeah thanks for the reply. I will try and add you now :)

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Hi Jack. I'm at a similar stage to you, I've been playing for a while now as a lone-wolf, getting to grips with the game. I've got to the point where I'm also thinking of setting up a small camp ,I've already started but I'm not sure what the state of play with the tents is? My next goal is to fix up a vehicle. I'm not part of a group but I am looking so if you fancy teaming up or find a good (small) group to join then gimme a shout.

P.S - I'm not on steam.

Hey thanks for the reply, sounds really good,i replied earlier saying about the server i use and so on.. give me a reply or opinion?

Hey thanks for the reply, If we can get a TS server we can use then il be sur

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I'm up for forming a team, I currently play with my Brother and a friend when his not working and it is a lot more fun playing with 2+ people! just bit boring finding each other!

Be good to add to my group :D we are currently looking for tents to set up camp!

Live in UK and generally can get on around 18:00?

I will let you know my name ect ect when I get home from work


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Hey, me and a friend are looking for likeminded survivors, we play day and evening. Let me know what's going on and we'll be happy to join you :D

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sorry for all these replies im doing.. should just edit the post but oh well........ I am getting a lot of requests on steam so let me know with a message or something who you are and so on. thanks also i will update my main posts with info

Edited by JackPearce95

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Anyone from the UK intersted in joining up, add me or send me a msg.


24Years old

Steam - Krazzi

Ingame - Krazzi

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Hello. I am 20 years old (turning 21 in four days) and I am from Denmark.

I would be interested in joining you guys since my friends aren't always available for me to play with. Mostly I play with 1-3 other RLmates but I would love to expand my "circle of friends" or even start a small comminity of people with the same interests for DayZ as I have.

My ingame name is Mikkelsen, and steam name is bjarnemikkelsen - feel free to contact me over PM as well.


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Hi guys,

Downloading ARMA II CO as I type purely to play Day Z, going to get raped to start off with I'm sure :D London based, 24, work freelance so can have all day free at times. Got a headset and Skype, have added a few of you guys on steam already.

Steam - Sif

Ingame - Sif

Skype - joe.golby

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my steam name is kikkoman123

wouldn't let me add you so try adding me? if we could set up that TS server that would be really good, get in contact with me by PM / Steam and we can sort a little group out maybe?

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Im 13 , Scottish -_- and looking for squad ... add me on skype 'zfriizky'

Played More than 100 hours, Sniper(not too good but getting better), Load-Out right now is DMR and SAW (LMG)

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Hi, 20, UK.

Also looking for a squad to play with.

I'm new to ARMA2 but doing well in DayZ so far after finding a few heli crash sites.

Steam ID = JFail

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