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Hackers in US 649

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Im playing US 649, my time zone is PST, 4 or 5 times now back to back Corey MARTINI and BostonBrand have been spawning in elektro with NVG, Alice packs, FN FALS and M4A3 CCO. Everytime they die they respawn and kill me and my group of friends, when we kill them they have the same gear everytime. and they get in elektro first or 2nd try from their respawn.

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really? after one of your mates with the ak first killed me on the second floor of the pub, it took me 10 respawns to finally reach electro. I had a loudfield with nvg Corey had the Fal, and the nvg were gone when I returned to my corpse so I turned my gamma up. I killed your mates as they returned to the pub while they were looting the corpses, I never died after that but Corey did and one of my mates that decided to come down since you guys kept come back over and over. What you didn't know was were a group of 5, the others were on the hills.

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and every single time you come back you had the same gear, even after we looted your bodies? I doubt that. We killed corey 2 times and both times he had the same gear, and he didnt even have time to re loot the body as I was standing on his body, I took his FN and shot him with it and looked at his body he had another FN.. how is that legit?

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I was in Elektro when this happened as well. Both players mentioned kept coming back fully geared quite fast. Someone must've been refreshing the cheat report page waiting for their 5 minutes of fame to surface before they got banned. Quite odd how you happened to stumble upon a page calling you out for cheating so quickly?

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  On 7/13/2012 at 8:01 AM, ev0ls0ul said:

and every single time you come back you had the same gear, even after we looted your bodies?

Like I said, I only died once, and my Einfield was still on my coprse.

  On 7/13/2012 at 8:01 AM, ev0ls0ul said:
We killed corey 2 times and both times he had the same gear, and he didnt even have time to re loot the body as I was standing on his body, I took his FN and shot him with it and looked at his body he had another FN.. how is that legit?

Yes you took his FAL, but you never killed him again. My mate sniped you on the school roof. Corey's last death was on the floors below you fighting one of your other mates which ended in both of them dying.

I would also like to point out that you don't have a shred of evidence to back up your accusation so it is just hearsay.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 8:22 AM, renulan said:

I was in Elektro when this happened as well. Both players mentioned kept coming back fully geared quite fast. Someone must've been refreshing the cheat report page waiting for their 5 minutes of fame to surface before they got banned. Quite odd how you happened to stumble upon a page calling you out for cheating so quickly?

My other mates where still in electro when they heard some one yell out hacker on in game chat. so I decided to check the forums.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 8:33 AM, Johnpwnedyou said:

Innocent people and bandits... Just a game.. Love each other :)

Yes we are bandits, and we love it. B)

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I love how your a bandit and all... But do not kill me cause im a friendly!! ;D

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  On 7/13/2012 at 7:24 AM, ev0ls0ul said:

Im playing US 649, my time zone is PST, 4 or 5 times now back to back Corey MARTINI and BostonBrand have been spawning in elektro with NVG, Alice packs, FN FALS and M4A3 CCO. Everytime they die they respawn and kill me and my group of friends, when we kill them they have the same gear everytime. and they get in elektro first or 2nd try from their respawn.

that's just ridiculous my friend, hear me out. players respawn until they get the spawn they want, that's not hacking its a part of the game. they don't spawn with any gear they just run straight back to their body, or your guys' bodies when you had taken the gear from their dead bodies, and on and on. again, thats just a part of the game.

it was fun, we had fun with you guys. i myself did not get to fire any shots unfortunately, i stayed out of the melee, preferring to stay in the hills and pick one of you guys off if i ever had a chance unfortunately one never materialized :( hopefully our squads meet up again in the future and maybe ill be on the front line next time :)

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I'm Really disapointed in seeing this thread after having such a good fight, no one alt-F4. These kind of fights are wut we live 4 in day Z, but to see a awsome fight end like this, where one group cries hackers after the whole fight is just pathetic. Let me set the whole senario out one more time like boston has. Our group of "Five" was running past electro at night and spotted a couple people in electro, someone in the school and others in the firehouse next to the church. Boston and Cory deside to go in and play bean bandit while three of us sat outside on the hills and spotted for them. Close quarters combat began in the dinner and as expected it went 1 for 1. After our 2 guys kill traded i ran down to go grab some of there stuff only to meet the same fate to kill trade with another one of your guys. as this point corry and boston are trying to get a good respawn back to electro to get there gear and made it back to there bodies before you guys, while your other clan tagged guy just sat in the school waiting to get his head shot off after throwing so many flare. everyone who died was respawning trying to get close to electro your group in included, and unfortunatly for you luck was on our side.

But in real talk here. If you guys are going to roll around with clan tags and can't accept the fact that you can "lose" a fight to a bigger group with better equipment, maybe your not getting what DayZ is about. Its not about making "Clan" and making sure all your little "COD" buddies tag up to make people see how important you are, and how many " Beans" your hallin. I've got a news flash, the only time you see your name globaly is when you "die", not only does that make you look bad but if there anyone else on the server with that tag you just declared your whole groups location out. DayZ isn't a clan game its a survival game, don't walk into into South central unless your ready front.

You have no screen shots, no video and you still had the nerve to cry hacker. no wonder your clan is called [lulz] cause no one can take this thread seriously, just wasting mods time.

PS: i was Jeffrey Dahmer if you are confused.

Edited by Uncle Ruckus

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We're just saying what we saw.

We're not crying because we died in elektro, we came expecting to be killed within 5 minutes upon arrival. We were there just having fun after dying to a helicopter that we blew up on a previous server 3 times, and the guy came back instantly with another one and finally got us. (same guy every time within minutes). We came here empty handed just to have some fun. We were there being bandits (axe bandits at first) having nothing to lose. When we saw the same guys come back in to town over and over fully geared every time of course we'll cry hacker.

Yeah there's no screenshots or videos, the only thing we can hope will happen is that it gets looked into, in whatever extent is possible. If you guys are legit, then GF.. if not then good riddance.

We win and lose fights all the time and regain our gear, every time. We know the consequences of making poor choices and are just fine dealing with them.

Don't try and tell me what a game is about and how to play it. K? thx.

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