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Kjell Bjarne

prevent server hopping

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This suggestions is to prevent players feeling handicapped by players that get superior loot by server hopping.

To be honest, most of us use server hopping to get better loot. Some do it constantly and some very rare. But I am sure there is next to noone that hasn't done it. But also the most know it kills a lot of the feeling they want to get by playing DayZ.

Why do we do server hopping? Easy! Other player can do it and they are a threat for your virtual life. It is like human history. For example the Cold War. They got a stupid superior weapon. So we need it also. Never mind what it costs.

There are alot of suggestions to prevent server hopping. But most of them harm all players no matter it they use server hopping or not. If you want to do server hopping you will learn how to deal with the new rules and continue. And others that don't do server hopping get punished by rules that are not done for them.

Now my suggestion that make sever hopping impossible. It is easy and it is tough. But in my mind the only working solution.

Make servers where you can't join with your global charcater. If you join one of these servers you will get a new character that can only be played on that one server. This is a limitation that will be tough if the server is full or very empty. But you can wait for a free slot or play for a while with your global character on servers where they are allowed. Or go the another server with unique character and play there with another server related unique character.

I cant speak for others but I would love these change. Because I want to experience DayZ how it is meant to be.

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So if you knew there were already a lot (alot is not a word btw, you don't say abanana or atent do you?) of suggestions, why did this need it's own thread?

Anyway, bad idea - won't happen

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