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Request to be moved in playable area. Stuck in Debug Plains.

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I was playing with 4 other guys last night, and we switched quite a few servers trying to find the best one for all of us (in-game time and ping). Upon my last join on a random server i was spawned in the debug plains. I had heard about them but this is my first visit here. D:

I have very good gear that i would prefer to keep. I know which direction is the land as i have map, GPS and compass. But it is 30km to the east and im afraid i will die of hunger or thirst before i reach anything.

So i would like to request a mod to save me from this bug. Please move me anywhere in the playable area, alive and with my gear please. I realize you guys are busy as hell working on this awesome mod. But if you can find those 30 seconds to help a stranded soul, i would be forever grateful. Massive thanks to Day-z dev team whichever way this problem goes.

Character Name "Waffle 4.0"

Thanks again.

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I just had this same problem. i was looting cherno hospital and apartments just about to set out into the north when i hit server lag and decided to find a server that had better ping. I re-spawned in the debug plains with spawning players around me. i don't know how to get out of here. i wouldn't want to bother the mods with something like this unless its a quick fix. if its not and there is a way to prevent this from happening i would love a link or instructions.

Character Name: PunchLine

also let me know if i am SOL. i can bite the bullet just would like not to if possible.

also i would love to just state how wonderful this mod is, truly top notch.

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I encountered the same problem tonight... disconnecting from one server, switching to another one cause friends were playing there and BAM i was in the debug plains. Got sweet gear atm and i would appreciate it a lot if u may get me out of here.

Character Name: DrakeM

ty in advance

Edited by DrakeM

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I made a topic about this happening to me before I went to sleep answering all the questions you should like, what happend, where you were and so on. Im still in the Debug Zone and my topic hasn't been noticed so i'd give this a go.

I was playing with two freinds on EU41 and we we're heading to Berezino from the NW airfield to get medical supplies, Im in desperate need of antibotics. On our journey we experienced alot of server lagg which forced us to reconnect several times. When we hit Dubrovka we and probably the entire server got an error that was something about Battleye corrupt memory. My freinds made it but I spawned in the debug area... Things we're going so good for us and I had really sweet gear and it's my best survivor so far. Please find the time to save me from this bug. I would appreciate and so would my freinds which are waiting for my return. I would rather be moved to were I was (Dubrovka) but I would be more than happy if you moved me to anywhere in the playable area.

Character Name: Allan

Big thanks in advance and keep up the good work.

Edited by Allan
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Vipeax can i ask you for the favor to set me free of this debug area, because for the first time in my Dayz career i really have good weapons and a Ghillie in my backback. Please i do not want to loose my first good, hard earned gear. I also dont have enough water to walk the 30km.

My Player Id is: 31334662 and my Nick is: Hannelore

I would be forever thankfull for a little poof :) just set me somewhere in playable area.

greetings from Hannelore

P.S: Canada 2 does not work for me :(

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More player IDs please, with over 500.000 people your name is rarely unique... Especially 'Allan', but the same for all others listed here.

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i have the same problem, my char is named "alex"

player id 40030918

Edited by drevil313

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Your gear is gone too drevil313, not much I can do other than make you spawn fresh.

And done...

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Sorry if it's been asked before, but where do I find my PlayerID?

If you're able to find me without it,

Char name; Mel Gibson

Servers played; ANZ 1-9 and NZ 3-8

I'm able to log in and see all my gear, just stuck in the wilderness.

In hopes of narrowing it down a little, I've got an M107 + Bizon + Revolver.

I've got a Coyote BP on and my character has the blue face skin.

Edit: My location before being spawned in the wilderness was on top of the fire station roof at the north-west airfield.

Edit: PlayerID; 23109638.

Edited by Hayday91No2

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I hope this is correct. Arma 2 OA edit player?

My Arma 2 OA player id: 23201606

Arma 2 Player id: 12859463

And I would rather be moved to Dubrovka, but anywhere on the map would do. Im forever grateful and 1+ to DayZ and to you aswell, thanks.

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Hi. I too am stuck in the degug plains! I was playing just fine but when I changed servers I lost all my gear and was stuck in those plains!

Player name: Toureiro

ID: 40730374

I was in the woods near Kozlovka and had a ton of stuff I was going to share with my friend when we play tonight!

Thank you for your time and atention.

Edited by Toureiro

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No location restores, really. It would take me 2 hours per character to do so and with 100s per day, no thanks. It's beach only with a chance of gear or beach only with a respawn manually ;).

Toreiro same story for you, your gear is empty and untraceable, screenshots etc won't change that, not much I can do.

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Can I get a west of Kamenka beach spawn with gear?

Komarovo is good enough, thanks for that.

Edited by Hayday91No2

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"No location restores, really".

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Very same concern for me, server switch and off to the badlands !

vipeax could you also reset me to the playable zone please ? call sign is mars


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I've already posted on another thread, but I'll try here anyway

I'm stuck in the debug area, and I would really appreciate if I could get put back in Zelenogorsk

Player ID: 38772806

Thanks :)

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No location restores, really.

"No location restores, really".

Oh and poof.

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I am also stuck in the "Debug Plains" after playing on a server, dk1 soeborg, where I was looting the southern Airfield, found a m16 w. a m203 launcher and I was thrilled but it came to a stop when the server had to reset and when logging in again I was in this Debug Plain with nothing on me, not even a backpack, nothing. So I dont have any clue as to which direction to head other than the sun to guide me so I was hoping u could somehow "reset" the char so I spawn in a regular area instead,

Thank you in advance

Character Name : Mikael ; Player ID = 35121030

PS : Yeah sorry for the lack of Player ID but is fixed now :)

Edited by Zemp

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Feels like every post needs to contain the fact that I need player IDs and that locations will be reset to the beach :(.

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Posting here for a quick response,

Server US329

I was running along minding my own business, about to hit Zelenogorsk.

I fall over and die.

What the fuck?

11.2k blood, didn't even go negative on the death screen.

Edit: This is the 2nd time it has happened, I let it slide the first time becausealphamod, but I'm actually annoyed this time, considering how much shit I had.

Edited by Hayday91No2

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