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Legacy (DayZ)

Having trouble registering on the forums? Read this!

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With the recent move of the forums we've had good sailing going on with us so far, but this isn't without bugs and errors! Lately we've seen a few reports letting the forum staff know that some activation links do not work at all, and that the support email is not working.

If you do not receive an activation email after waiting a full day then do the following:

- Check your spam/junk filter to ensure that your email provider isn't throwing the email away

- Contact support at: support.dayzmod.com and submit a ticket. (Short link for the lazy: https://support.dayz...step=2&deptid=3 )

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I had to register with this name and use a yahoo mail because the validation wouldn't go through to my normal mail. I use Brighthouse for a ISP and live in Florida. My mail extensions are "cfl.rr.com". I sent two tickets in about it and got the notices under my normal mail account, but still no validations. I checked my spam folder and even unblocked spam domains I had blocked just in case. Still nothing.

Since my yahoo mail seemed to work though I guess it's a non-issue. Thought I would let you know however.

Thanks :)

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it is offtopic but from today i started to get captcha afther every 3rd click here on forum. Before today i never even saw that. captcha afther 3 clicks is realy too much, fix that.

Edited by director

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