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Loading/Waiting fix

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ONE NOTE: I used 6 launcher to update at first and it didnt work (before I did all this, I now its for Dayz) It may or maynot have made a difference to the outcome. I had 94444(not working) - (my friend did not need the 6 launcher update)

Problem fix for my setup...

Arma 2 CO and Steam...Dayz 1.7.2

I had problems getting stuck on loading and waiting for character to create. Download the new updated beta patch for Arma2 OA here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ...(top of page in green bar "Latest Beta Patch".

Close all ARMA 2 games:

Using WinRar or 7-Zip extract files

Run the application file "you may get a wrong cd-key error... or a program may not have installed correctly error (OK them) I did and clicked ok thinking it didnt work...but it was fine"

Now, before you start Steam...YOU NEED TO MOVE SOME FILES...

First- Go to (computer, c: drive, Program Files(x86), steam, steamapps, common, arma 2 operation arrowhead)

Here u will find the application file named (arma2oa).

Right click and rename to something like (arma2oa.bak94444)

Second - Go to (computer, c: drive, Program Files(x86), steam, steamapps, common, arma 2 operation arrowhead, Expansion, beta)

Here u will find the application file named (arma2oa)

Right click and copy

Back up till (computer, c: drive, Program Files(x86), steam, steamapps, common, arma 2 operation arrowhead)

Now, right click and paste file.

Run steam and play Arma2OA Combined Operation...

Once the game starts it should say "current version 94876" in bottom right of main menu.

Upon entering servers Click filter and for host type " 94876 " minus the quotes.

Because the new version is 1.61

My first time loading was fast again...my friends still took about 2 minutes.(different servers)

ONE NOTE: I used 6 launcher to update (before I did all this) It may or maynot have made a difference to the outcome.

Edited by NeVeRn2DEEP
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im going to try this on and hope it works, will post results in an edit vvvv.

edit: opened the patch to run it and it said "WRONG CD KEY" then ran anyway and finished in about 2 seconds, is it supposed to be that fast?

Edited by Nifty

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Yes it went really fast...read the whole post i submitted i refered to the "Wrong cd-key thing"

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yea patch was only like 8mb got the same error and went just as fast.

Got in and some fool shot me in the head while i was just trying to survive. maybe i will turn up the lights the flares led that ass right to me.

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This doesnt work for me, because im unable to download that patch, first time i tried it required a password. Second time i just got a no_response error message in my browser. And i still haven got to try the game yet:( I keep getting stuck with a black screen, with a 100% full loading bar.

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I do not know I had a lot of problems first could not find any compatible server now I can not jon the game because of the loading screen, I am satarting to get angry with this...

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Nothing has worked for me either. I have tried to revert patches, uninstall and clean install the game and all Dayz updates. I was able to actually play once. Since then I have been stuck in either the Loading screen or waiting for character to create.

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i will try this and i will edit and say the outcome

i get the 3d engine error. BUT after i undid everything i did except for the patch, i saw the launch arma 2 oa beta shorcut so i launched that and it started working. everything looked really different though.

Edited by tyman421

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make sure it is the 94876 patch. that is not the newest one and i have seen around that people have had to downgrade to 94876 patch.

this is the link to the 94876 patch:


the 94876 patch is where most servers are at. only 20 servers have the latest

Edited by tyman421

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Great, now the game doesnt crash but it's stuck on host. I haven''t gotten so many frustration since gmod

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This is one of the most frustrating installs of a game, ever.. tried everything and all seems to be failing.

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For those of you that have not got it to work my video should clear some problems up.

Additional note- Installing dayzCommander is a much better option than the very confusing Six updater/Launcher.

DayzCommander.com it is 100000 times better

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