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Dc'er On Atlanta 18

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Me and 2 of my friends were playing on atlanta 18 raiding the airfield, when we started getting shot at. The shooter killed one of my friends, I then waited for him to come loot the body, as he ran in I put 3 shots into his chest with an m14 aim. It stated on the bottom left "Sagacom3 has been killed by Stephen (Friendly Fire)." I noticed that I did not have a murder and that his body was no longer there. He then came back 4 or so minutes later and tried to kill me, once again I shot him and stated once again "Sagacom3 has been killed by Stephen (Friendly Fire)." Once again, I didn't get a murder and his body was not there. I stayed there because I had dealt with dc'ers before. I sat in place for 5 minutes and I started to get shot at by sagacom3 once again, this time he was in a completely different location and killed me. I was furious so I decided to report it. I have no evidence other than possibly the server records. I also have eye witnesses from Ken (DayZ name) and Powell (DayZ name). Powell also shot him, twice and he did the same thing.

I attached a picture of an example of what happened, when another player in the server "Killed him".


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I was killed by this guy, my in game name was -TrSqd-, but used to be Ken. I can vouche for this guys shittiness. He was killed multiple times and immediately disconnects, some ghetto ass god mode.

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The weird thing though, "(Friendly Fire)" normally means you killed someone in the debug zone.

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I am Powell. I can confirm what happened here. After Stephen had killed him twice, Sagacom3 was then killed by me. I also did not receive a murder or bandit kill. I went to go loot his body and it had "magically" disappeared.

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This has happened with me as well in cherno, the guy was obviously hacking cause I killed him 4 times but in my case his body didnt disappear but it did say the "killed by friendly fire". Anyway what made it obvious he was a hacker was he came back with the same gear over and over (dmr, pdw {with m9 mags} all the tools, 24 slot bag with an ak and 8 mags) I didn't mind considering I got myself and 3 friend free gear but yeah this is normal for dumpster hackers who suck so hard at this game

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Just had something similar like this happen to me in us 634. I was in cherno and a guy spawned in front of me so i killed him and it said it was friendly fire no murders or bandit kills. Dont know if he reappeared i just took all his stuff and ran.

Edited by Alien0527

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