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Looking for likeminded newbies/willing guides

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So me and a friend are two days into DayZ, we've both managed to get guns or equipment eventually but most our lifespans are twenty minutes to an hour and a half due to bandits/zombies breaking our legs.

Decided it'd be worth seeing if there are any other players that have got the shooting/movement/looting down but are struggling to get a foothold on the map and get North, or if anyone experienced would be interested in trying to form an operative of 4 to 6 people.

Our goal is to ultimately build a chopper as my other guy is a dream with them, we play UK servers mostly from in the day to at night. We'd be willing to join an already formed group too, so yeah if anybody needs a couple of guys to bolster them out then we're your mercenaries.

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Hi. You posted this in a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Before you create a new thread, it is good to always read the pinned/sticky threads first:



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PM me for access to my voice communication server and you will be welcome among my ranks. We have a large group of survivors who typically play overnight. (EST).

If you own a microphone you're more than welcome to join us.

Currently at work at this time, but will be logged in late tonight.

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Apologies for posting in the wrong area!

Caviano, just what we were looking for, we felt like we needed some more eyes and hands to hold guns. It's telling me I can't privately message you, though.

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Add me on steam Cyanyde420

I'll show you the ropes and teach you what *not* to do..

Also I'm a member of the Ghost Response Team, which is there to help you.


You're welcome to sign up, it will change your whole game experience for the better.

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Both added, I'm online for now Cyanyde, in Cherno with nothing so far :/ I appreciate all the positive replies, and here I see half the forums going "BANDITS ARE RUINING THIS!" Give this game a few months and the survivors will band up just as much as the bandits. Half the time we win anyway (because a good survivor doesn't get seen in the first place, right?)

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