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Quick question

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Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but basically I bought the PMC DLC for Arma2 and was wondering if I need the BAF too to see any difference?

Also, do I need to move my DayZ files/folder(s) to another location? Or is it that the reson I saw no change is because I need BOTH DLC's?

Like I said, sorry if i put this in the wrong place, feel free to move it.


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Hi mate, i don't know about moving files but you don't need BAF and PMC to play DayZ! I think you just need A2, A2:OA, A2 Beta and then the mod itself!

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Hi mate, i don't know about moving files but you don't need BAF and PMC to play DayZ! I think you just need A2, A2:OA, A2 Beta and then the mod itself!

I'm aware that you only need Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead to play Dayz But with the PMC/BAF DLC's you get HQ rez character models and I decided to pay that little extra and purchase it, already had DayZ for quite some time.

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Oh I see, as in to get the proper textures from the private armies on Arma? :P Never knew you could actually do that!

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Oh I see, as in to get the proper textures from the private armies on Arma? :P Never knew you could actually do that!

Basically just to upgrade the character models [:

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