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Betty Black

Zombies spawning on you?

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I managed to crawl into some complex and opened some shed, crawled in there, closed the door and started to loot some fine things.

Suddenly 5 zombies spawned on me and was standing in this little shed around me. Since i was prone they didnt see me so i tried to open the door and let them out but they just stood there - foolishly i tried to stand up and sprint out but i couldnt get past them since i was surrounded.

Is is normal that zombies spawn on top of you in small silly sheds? Felt kinda cheatish.. bleh

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Happened twice today, the first time a zombie spawned next to me, broke my leg, and then disappeared. Our little squad freaked out, we thought it was the admin abusing its power, hopefully I had morphine.

The second time, 2 zombies spawned in the middle of a barn, right in front of me, they didn't disappear this time, so I shot them.

Edited by Kiro

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As of 1.7.2 I have had a terrible time with teleporting zombies. Out of no where at random times 1-2 zombies will just pop in my face, slap me a few times and vanish leaving me to waste my bandages and bleed out.

It's come to the point where I don't want to go near tree stands because everytime I go to one of the ladders a zombies teleports to the lower side of the tree stand and starts unleashing on me.

Quite frankly it's annoying the piss out of me

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Happens to me in the cities. Was perfectly sneaking on side of the road with no infected around. Next thing i know an infected tp beside me and start attacking. Happens at random.

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Ya the deer stands have become a pain. 3 Zombies spawn under the deer stand and wounder off in a 30-60 seconds , I go in to clime the ladder and 3 more respawn right in front of me and attack.

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