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**Tips For New Players** (READ)

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If your having a hard time try these few things out:

  1. Go to a recruit sever located in your country
  2. Make sure theres hardly any players on the server
  3. Make sure it has low ping
  4. scavenge up supplies until you have at least a pistol
  5. Now go onto Regular servers and play among other people.
  6. Crawl around a lot!

A guy on these forums said "Isn't it better to take 5 minutes to get to a location rather then spend 15 trying to run away from the infected" -Unkown

Call me Mr. Obvious but am I not right? Your Welcome, happy hunting!

Edited by SheldonDVerge

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harden the fook up n play on any server but recruit. Spottin zeds through walls and hills is not the way this mod was meant to b played imho

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