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DayZ on Steam Arma 2 feature list.

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After all the yelling about DayZ is an alpha, DayZ isint included with Arma 2, DayZ is a free mod, DayZ is rockets so stop bugging him about updates, I find this amusing.

After All the flipping out over it, it is CLEARLY being advertised as a FEATURE of DayZ. Even though it says mod, it tells you whats required to play it. No mintion of it being alpha, no mintion its not included in the download. Nothing. Im sorry, i doubt its Rocket, but that right there pretty much says "yea you paid for it". I have never seen a mod on a feature page. If you want proof go right to the Arma Page on steam.

I know its an Alpha, but really, this is no longer a "free mod" anymore. So next time someone bitches about free mod your a self entitled brat blah blah. Please just shut the hello world up.

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Wait, what?

So, you're telling us that you found out about the MOD DayZ. Liked the MOD enough to buy the game it uses, and then complain that you never understood the fact that it was a mod IN ALPHA. These forums literally yell at you that DayZ is a mod for Arma II, so I don't quite get how you never knew.

Arma II: Combined Operations (the game) costs money, DayZ (the mod) is free. I have never spent any money on DayZ itself, but I did buy Arma II: Combined Operations for $30.

I researched DayZ (for half an hour) and learned it was a mod in alpha.

You ARE a self entitled brat.

DayZ IS a completely FREE mod.

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With the popularity of DayZ and how it has caused a large amount of sales in the past few months, I wouldn't be surprised that it is being advertised on the Arma II page. However, I have to disagree with your comments, you didn't buy DayZ at all. DayZ is a free mod, that you are able to download AFTER purchasing Arma II. No where are you paying for a mod for a GAME that you have PURCHASED that can be played ON ITS OWN.

Clearly you are jumping to conclusions that having seen a mod become so popular it is apparently (to you) that you are now paying for it when you buy a game that offers the ability to play the mod. When you buy Arma II, you are buying Arma II, not DayZ. You are buying a army simulator that strives on realism and has a campaign and multiplayer of its own.

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The ability to alpha test for this mod is indeed a major feature of Arma II, if recent sales numbers and unique tester counts are anything to go by. It's perfectly reasonable for BIS to list it.

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