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Can't get past "Wait for host" screen

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I downloaded Arma II: Combined Operations a couple days ago to play DayZ, so I downloaded that and installed it fine, but whenever I go to Six Launcher and join a server, I get to a screen with tanks and stuff on it and get past it fine, then get to the Wait for host screen and I'll be stuck on there forever. I know that the latest patch has had trouble with people getting online, but I was wondering if this is what people were talking about or something different, and if I could get help on how to get by it.

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same. Just wait for mod updates / devs updates

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Ok, I used the Worrom Dayz Updater this morning and I got connected no problem. This afternoon I tried it, and I got stuck on "wait for host" like the rest of you. So I tried the Six Updater, and it patched me again, but I still couldn't join any servers. Went back to the Worrom Updater, and I can join servers, but the visuals are screwed up; Everything is lit up for one second, then everything fades out to complete black, and stays that way for five seconds. Then everything lights up again, over and over. Completely unplayable.

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Well we just have to find other ways to keep occupied until the mods give us some input on this issue. Seeing how TONS of people are having this issue. It probably is just the massive amount of new players. ^_^

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