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Play arma 2 in two pc

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Can anyone answer me these questions?

-DayZ is played in a official server? (i don't know how is the arma 2 online, so if this question makes no sense just ignore it)

-If i buy Arma 2 and the DLC necessary to play DayZ, can i install it in two different PCs?

-If i installed it in two PCs with the same steam account, would i be able to play DayZ at the same time?

-If i install Arma 2.....etc. and once a installed it with a steam account, can i log in with a different account and play online with the one that has the game bought?

Don't think im trying to hack or things like that the game, im just wanting to know that if i buy arma 2 and the DLC once, would i be able to play DayZ with my brother together?

I hope there is a way to play DayZ with my brother without buying the game twice....

Thank you!

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nope, cuz if u log onto same steam acc with another pc then at the first pc comes message that someone else logged on your account.....

and with another steam account u canNOT play arma 2 from another account of course, that was a stupid question

Edited by stealthboy

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1. No, servers are hosted by the community. Except the Hive server which stores your character info, that's owned by Rocket.

2. You can install it on 2 computers but can only play it on one computer at a time, another purchase is needed.

3. See #2.

4. See #2

Edited by SIMJEDI

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You are all wrong. I have just downloaded Arma CO on both my Pcs and u can play them both at the same.... Even through steam. The only problem is that u cant have both PC's with the dayz Mod loged into the same Server

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