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Let me first state that with this idea its not a requirement to spawn in a group, but a possibility if you choose to do so

The general idea of this is to have a spawn 'lobby/queue'. After respawning you can choose to either actually respawn, or enter a respawn 'lobby'. When you choose to enter the queue you can wait as long as you like for other players to enter the lobby (seeing the current average life expectancy in it shouldn't take more then a few minutes in a 40+ man server to get at least someone to respawn).

  • Might be able to use the other two team lobbies for this (one for survivor players and one for bandit players, or maybe even just the one) - only up till the moment they join the game after that everyone gets put in the main team. So basically just use the others as spawn lobby's, and the current one if you continue/ want to spawn alone.

Once one of the people in the lobby presses a spawn button the rest in the lobby got 30 seconds to press it as well before it actually spawns all of the readied up players at the same spot.

  • As a sidenote, since you are able to chat in group channel in lobby they should be able to talk to each other before actually getting ingame to actually know who your gonna be playing with before you start.
  • Also as I just described how I would sort of do it, there is however the possibility that you end up with someone you don't want. This can be looked at as either a pro or a con considering the type of game DayZ is.

All in all this would make it a lot easier for loners/ newer players to actually experience group play, and eventually even end up with new friends. As well for the newer players to learn how to play the game (or how not to) by example.

-however- this should only work on new/ re-spawns - you don't want some random asshat with a gun in the middle of a group spawn because that will just end up in a massacre

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Part of the fun is walking miles to find your freinds. Thats what makes the reunions so much fun.

yeah, i can see both sides of this. on option to turn this on or off would be cool i guess.

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