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5th Element - Starting a new DayZ squad. Applications open.

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Hello everyone my name is Drasqo and I was born 24 years ago in The Netherlands.

After hearing some friends about DayZ and viewing some video's, I have decided to buy arma wich is downloading as we speak.
It became quickly apparent to me this game is even more enjoyable if you have a group of people to play with.
It just so happens I have a empty Teamspeak server laying around, and a quick glance over the forums revealed to me there are a whole lot more people interested in grouping up.

So wether your black, white or have eleven toes, your more than welcome to join us on our public teamspeak server.

ts3.instantvchat.com:10918 no password

We might be able to get a decent group together and reach some of the harder goals ingame.
Needless to say a certain maturity and common sense is required.

At the time of this post I am still downloading the game (Hanging around the TS server), and I will need a few moments to sort the controls and such
But I don't see that as too big of a problem so give a shout out if your up for a new adventure :)

-Server/goals yet to be defined.



All future posters please refer to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33223-5th-element-squad-officially-launched/

Edited by Drasqo

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We had a awesome group of 7 people last night. was awesome.

Still playing with some dude from usa.

Everyone still welcome!

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Uhm, just hop on our teamspeak mate :) info is above

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I'll hop on your TS Server tonight Drasqo.

I am fairly well equipped, but I need a new gun (Currently sporting a Lee Enfield)

Have a Czech pack and the ability to make food and fire. I tend to carry around mostly self preservation supplies, but also have a great stock to help other players out. This stock include extra bandages, an epi pen, 2 blood packs and an extra morphine hit. And of course cooked steaks, as they are easy to come by for me.

I have never commited a murder without being fired upon first, and generally try to help people out in any way possible,

I look forward to playing with you :D

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Looking forward to play with you too mate.

We had a party of 9 people going last night, had some good laughs sitting in a house around a indoor campfire hehe.

Don't worry too much about equipment really, we basically just divide whatever we find and give each what you need :)

Seeya later!

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considering i'm bored, Soon as i rig up TS3 again i'll take a look on your side ,might be fun to run with another dutchy.

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I wanna join also. I'll look up the team speak sometime.

but i'm also available on skype: EddieDayZ

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Yeah like the opening post said, everyone is more than welcome.

We're currently playing with 7 players, just hop on and join in whenever you feel like =)

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Hey man its kevin again, Mmmm i think we should go to loot runs in groups of 2-4 because more than that is really hard to keep track off. Then once we get good stuff we can meet up and party :D

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well we just did about a 7 hour run with 7 people or so and everyone was pretty loaded to their teeth with weapons, we ended up heading to the airfield with a few left and we got taken out trying to sack the hangars. was a fun run. ill see you soon.

Edited by Drasqo

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I might gonna have to increase the slots on the server it is goes on like this >.<

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I had so much fun and would love to make another run!

I have already headed south and got an AKM to share :D

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sure thing, just finishing my foodz and ill be good to go for a shitload of hours :D Hurray vacations

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Hey, I'm 17 year old girl from Poland, I've bought the game yesterday and after fighting with bugs and installation for whole night, I can play! As far as I know there's a lot to learn in this game and I'm looking for some company :D

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Pretty much whenever we are awake hehe. just hop on the TS, its likely people are on at any given time.

Made a screenshot of us chillin :D


Edited by Drasqo

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