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Nothing is more hilarious than springing a one man ambush on an unsuspecting victim, only to have the guy start instantly screaming into voice chat "DONT SHOOT! NO! DONT KILL ME! PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" While making his best attempt to zig zag at you like a headless chicken with an axe raised above his head! Needless to say, I shot him. He hit the deck, but my impromptu ambush had alerted another nearby zombie, panicing I spun round, expecting a horde, but finding just one, so took my time and popped him one in the face. Only to realise, I was still being attacked! Spinning round I could not see where from, only to look down just in time to see my original victim chopping my legs off with his axe!

The morale of my story, always check your victims are actually dead!

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I'm guessing your covering half your face in your avatar because someone punched you and gave you a black eye?

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I think I was more annoyed because I didn't know what redacted meant! That's alright then, thought someone was trolling my first Bandit story. Trust me, they will get better! lol I hope I didn't offend you back, I might be a little tipsy cus it's the Twelfth!

For the record I get black eye's all the time! lmao!

Edited by Don Gordleone

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