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start off with SOMETHING

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i think that is quite difficult to sneak without being seen by a zombie, i think that we should start off with at least a melee weapon like a hatchet, also a canteen. please consider this, thank you for your time

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Just shutup. Use search. And don't self bump your own thread, use EDIT.

Edited by Caviano

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Personally, I think we should start with absolutely nothing. It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, the game is meant to be an anti-game, meaning things aren't supposed to be given to you, it's not supposed to be easy, and it's not meant for everyone. I loved the update where we lost everything, it makes the situation seem a lot more dire, and the need to search everything actually necessary instead of everything being given to you.

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I think your right im sick of running away from zombies and not be able to do something about it

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Instead of making pointless threads (mind you, I see at least forty of these a day), how about you actually try to loot a building, a barn or something alike? I'll stream for you, showing you how I can get my hand on a decent primary weapon within my first twenty minutes of the game.

If anything, nerf the loot percentage of weapons. :mellow:

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