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NFC Angel -ll-

US 144 - Server restart without warning

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I was in US 444 last night with 3 of my fellow survivor group. - US 444 - sorry, typo on the thread title!

Earlier in the day we had spotted the Admins group with the ural, distracted them and set a satchel charge on the road ahead, waited for them to drive by and blew up the ural.

2 hours later, found the same group south of Stary in the hippie van, threw a grenade, killed two of their group, while one hoped in the van and drove towards Stary, then he ran the van into a rock and blew up the Van.

We looted the corpses, good amount of loot, rangfinders, gps, nvg, m4a1 cco sd.....etc. not 10 minutes later, without warning, the admins restarted the server, and since none of our group had disconnected to save our progress/position, when we had logged back in it had reverted us about 2 hours worth of game time, loosing all of the loot that we had earned by killing their group.

I know, rule #1 of DayZ, do not get attached to your loot. I get it, and I completely understand it. However, I am ok with loosing it to bugs, debug forest, PVP so on and so forth, but I am not ok with loosing gear that was well earned and fought for, because admins loose their shit and want to restart the server in order to get some of their stuff back.

Restart your server if that is how you want to play the game, Just give players ample time to disconnect before you do so we are not punished for your bad practices.

I have Audio recordings of a TS conversation one of my m8's had with the admins of US 444 about the server being restarted, and I have video as well of where we were before the restart, and after without any of our spoils.

Bring on the trolls...I'm sure your going to feast on this.

Edited by NFC Angel -ll-

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I am well aware of the stipulations of what an admin can and can not do pepperoni. I am not saying the admin reverted the server back a few hours, because they do not have that ability. However, if a server is restarted and you do not have time to log out, you run the risk of loosing a considerable amount of progress due to the server not pushing through all of the happenings on the server to the hive at the time of restart. Which causes players to loose progress.

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Character data is pushed to the HIVE in real time, that means everything you do with your character is being saved in real time, so what you are saying makes zero sense.

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I am well aware of the stipulations of what an admin can and can not do pepperoni. I am not saying the admin reverted the server back a few hours, because they do not have that ability. However, if a server is restarted and you do not have time to log out, you run the risk of loosing a considerable amount of progress due to the server not pushing through all of the happenings on the server to the hive at the time of restart. Which causes players to loose progress.

Hi there - just a note of clarification, the people in the Ural were not admins. And they were long gone (logged out) by the time you would have had your second encounter. Beyond that I don't have any info for you.

Also, you may want to register an account on that server's website and express your concerns directly to the admins; you may get a better response. They probably don't read this section of the forums, especially given the server ID typo in the title. I only found this because I was searching for the word 'satchel'. Didn't know they were in the game - neat.

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I am well aware of the stipulations of what an admin can and can not do pepperoni. I am not saying the admin reverted the server back a few hours, because they do not have that ability. However, if a server is restarted and you do not have time to log out, you run the risk of loosing a considerable amount of progress due to the server not pushing through all of the happenings on the server to the hive at the time of restart. Which causes players to loose progress.

Well, there's no point in complaining about un-announced server restarts as server hosts won't get in trouble for them. Most hosted servers don't even have the option to announce one before a scheduled restart.

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Character data is pushed to the HIVE in real time, that means everything you do with your character is being saved in real time, so what you are saying makes zero sense.

Wrong champ, not since 1.7.2

As it is now if a server reboots/crashes, you will lose any progress you have made since you last logged in.

And to the OP. My server (dayz 475) has a tendenacy to crash/restart probably atleast once a day. Just because a server goes down doesn't neccisarly mean it was rebooted.

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Well, there's no point in complaining about un-announced server restarts as server hosts won't get in trouble for them. Most hosted servers don't even have the option to announce one before a scheduled restart.

Wrong champ, not since 1.7.2

As it is now if a server reboots/crashes, you will lose any progress you have made since you last logged in.

And to the OP. My server (dayz 475) has a tendenacy to crash/restart probably atleast once a day. Just because a server goes down doesn't neccisarly mean it was rebooted.

That was How I understood it as well. Ever since 1.7.2 I have had multiple encounters with progress being lost due to this issue.

Puka, I understand that the servers restart and crash, thus is life, But I have audible proof of the admins admitting to restarting the server, and it was not due to hardware malfunction. I know I am just pissing in the wind at this point, I guess I will have to choose where I decide to play wisely.

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Character data is pushed to the HIVE in real time, that means everything you do with your character is being saved in real time, so what you are saying makes zero sense.

It's not though, myself and my friends have found that if you don't disconnect before a restart sometimes your character can be pushed back to where you were/what you had anywhere from 10 minutes ago to 2 hours. We have tested it a few times, it seems if you disconnect it saves the data but it doesn't always save it will you are on playing.

But yeah I try to give warning if I am on when an auto-restart is coming up, but generally it is up to the user to look at the MOTD and convert the time to their timezone and just remember. From what I hear they are going to remove the Global Chat that admins can use anyways so we won't have any way at all the communicate with the whole server.

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Removing the admin global chat would be absolutely stupid.

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geesh for such a ruthless game there are so many complainers, This is a hosted alpha game the servers WILL restart w/o warning get used to it.

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geesh for such a ruthless game there are so many complainers, This is a hosted alpha game the servers WILL restart w/o warning get used to it.

Learn to read the thread before you post. I am not complaining about a random server restart. I am informing the community of a restart that was done by the admins of the server in an attempt to restore some lost loot. that is all.

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Wrong champ, not since 1.7.2

As it is now if a server reboots/crashes, you will lose any progress you have made since you last logged in.

And to the OP. My server (dayz 475) has a tendenacy to crash/restart probably atleast once a day. Just because a server goes down doesn't neccisarly mean it was rebooted.

Isn't that only if the character data corrupts?

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They CANNOT restore lost loot, even with the update. What it is about this statement you don't seem to understand?

Loot as in vehicles......not weapons...or backpacks... they restarted the server to make the vehicles, which were blown the fuck up, appear in restored condition....and don't even fucking try and tell me that is not possible because I have witnessed vehicles restoring back to perfect shape after being blown up as soon as the server restarts.

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It seems like there is some confusion of issues here.

Some people are saying that, as of 1.7.2, the HIVE does not update in real time, and that not logging out before restarting the server will lose your process.

I think this is incorrect: the HIVE, especially last night, was having serious connection problems. I do not think that any change has happened on the back end. See, e.g., the ghillie suit bugs.

Maybe the servers were dicks, maybe not, but it seems to me that you just had an unfortunate run-in with a laggy HIVE. My server, US 188, restarted last night without any apparent problems.

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Oh boohoo.

Listen, you *cannot* roll servers back. They cannot get their stuff back by restarting, yes a vehicle may revert to a position and be in the state it was when it was last saved, but if the hive knows that it is destroyed, thats the end of it. It wont magically return.

Additionally, how exactly do you know that the guys were the admins in either case?

And finally, if your first instinct is to come here and cry about it, you will just get trolled. You either get in touch with the admins (as many as possible, not just one) of the server. Log every conversation and record every voice comm. Get EVIDENCE, because I know if you just come on here with a nice story, youre gonna get trolled. IF you have evidence that they did it, perhaps someone will take note, right now, youre just one of hundreds with a "cool story bro".

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