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|tw| quintus

Check if server is connected to Hive

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For two times my server has restarted via Firedaemon (I've set it to restart every 4 hours). But everytime I reconnect alle my gear is gone and I respawned at the ocean. Is there any way of knowing if my server is connected to Hive and if it's working properly?

My server: DayZ - NL 17 (v1.7.2/Beta 94876) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by GNL Pipo The Clown

Is now locked with 1 person in it, me. I'm trying to fix the problem.

Regards, Quintus

Update 1: I've relogged a couple of times while standing inside a building in Chernogorsk. I'm still on position everytime with the gear that I've found. Could the problem have something to do with the server restart?

Edited by Quintus Sertorius

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Are you wearing camo or ghillie? I think people have been getting put in the ocean again since 1.7.2 released. I wouldn't think a simple restart could cause such an issue. Also if the server wasn't talking with the hive, it wouldn't start AFAIK.

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Oke good to know. As I've relogged again and still in the same location, I've unlocked the server again, hopefully no one looses their gear.

Thanks for your reply.

Edited by Quintus Sertorius

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