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Looking for partner(s)

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Recently I was searching a warehouse and spotted 3 figures on the horizon, spotting them with my binoculars I study them carefully.

While walking towards my warehouse I saw one take out a Lee Enfield, so I shouldered my own Rifle and proned carefully on the balcony waiting and then...

He shoots, I return fire and the others start looking around while the hostile player runs towards me, I took out my revolver and shot him in the head.

By this time his buddies came inside also, one shot me in the leg and the other winged me, I rolled and shot both in the head while the return fire hit my leg again and broke it.

Four others must have heard the gunshots and ran into the warehouse, I took 2 down and the others overwhelmed me.

Server is any UK server, mostly UK 22.

This recent death told me to partner up and be more cautious, so If you want to join me read these rules I have:

1. No greediness, greediness leads to bandits and I've already been one before and it isn't good, trust me.

2. Have to be over 15+

3. Be mature

4. Have a mic with skype/TS

5. Be friendly to others, I'm not running a bandit group here, so let's keep it that way.





Reason you want to partner up:

Any extra details(Have you ever been a bandit Etc):

Edited by Outypoo

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Me and my irl friend looking for some guy(s) to play with, we are both 25 and live in Sweden, got a TS3 server.

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Me and my irl friend looking for some guy(s) to play with, we are both 25 and live in Sweden, got a TS3 server.

Sure, add me on skype "taylerboi"

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Age: 15

Skype: Articine

Steam: RickyG50

Reason: I've been playing for two days now and it's getting a bit lonesome and I know how much more fun and enjoyable the game will be with a partner or two.

Extra Details: On my current char., I have all the survival gear I need and some weapons. [:

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Age: 14 (But im mature and i don't have a squeaky voice like a 10 yr old)



Reason you want to partner up: Because in DayZ you need friend that have your backs and help you.

Any extra details(Have you ever been a bandit Etc): No i haven't because i mostly died of bandits or alot of zombies that trapped me in a house.

Age: 16



Reason you want to partner up: Because it will be way more fun to play DayZ with other friendly people.

Any extra details(Have you ever been a bandit Etc): Never been a bandit

Edited by VinceD

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Age: 15

Skype: theintoxicatedfish

Steam: knucklebass456

Reason you want to partner up: i've gotten bored of trvelling alone and would like to travel in a group thus have more fun and live longer

extra stuff: i have enough stuff to live on my own plus a spare weapon (at the moment at least)

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Age: 17

Skype: JonBGale

Steam: EnZ_Penguin

Reason you want to partner up: Been looking for a partner for quite some time now. Better to know that someone has your back.

Any extra details(Have you ever been a bandit Etc): I have a fully functional bike and I frequently ride it through the northern airfield like a dumbass. No I have never been a bandit intentionally. I have killed a man in defense but other than that. No murders whatsoever.

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Age: 18

Skype: alexanderzegreater

Steam: alex722

Reason you want to partner up: I used to be in a group with 2 people I barely knew and I had a lot of fun. They've been inactive lately and lonewolfing is not really my strong suite.

Any extra details: I'm well geared but I'm wounded as of now (2.8k blood), and I need a transfusion (I have blood on me but I can't do it myself). I've killed plenty of people as part of self-defence but never commited murder unprovoked.

Add me on steam if interested.

Edited by freakinpao

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Age: 17

Skype: pedrocheng70

Steam: wattoucheng

Reason you want to partner up:It's good to play DayZ, it's even better to play DayZ and laugh your ass off with some buddies.

Any extra details: I'm always trying to be friendly but that aint paying off ... got shot twice trying to be ''friendly''; it'd be good to have some friends to help/be helped

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Reason you want to partner up:dont want to die as much and its annoying not being able to chat with other people in the game.

Any extra details(Have you ever been a bandit Etc):just started playing yesterday and still pretty new

Edited by Btmy3

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