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We need a bank

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What would you use money for? The whole point of a currency system expands on the idea of a much larger scale survival MMO where you can actually purchase goods and/or sell through a form of auction house. A system like this is very advanced and will take very long time to complete - in DayZ's current state, something like this would be a waste of time to implement as the mod does not have enough loot both military, generic or features such as crafting that would allow for money to actually be of use.

Furthermore, the world would need to be bigger and have more diversity for above elements to be added correctly.

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The only currency that should exist in DayZ is bullets..

Bullets & Beans*

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add a bank into the game, and have it have good loot, and also add money into the game, and yes it will become popular for players to go to..

i like,

so i can grab my popcorn, camp on the hills and score the juicy package you carry out.

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The only currency that should exist in DayZ is bullets..

Actually a very interesting idea. I found it very cool how the currency worked in Metro33. Where the most "common" projectiles were worn down and/or created from cheap materials. Military grade projectiles were worth more, and did more damage, but also much more rare as the decades of apocolypse had completely destroyed production.

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I lol'd at the title.

I lol'd even more at the content of OP.

haha so true.

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There should be a button for 'Dislike" the post and topic.

Seriously though, this isnt an MMORPG, nor should it be.

As one of the previous posts stated, the concept of banking relies on concept of economical scales, and in post apocalyptic scenario there is no monetary value, as there is nothing to tie it to. Literally the only currency in dayz is ammunition and food.

Bad idea -1

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