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Help at NWAF wanted and possibly a teamate :)

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Hey i play DayZ quite abit but something unlucky happened to me at NWAF :D my game lagged out and when i got in i had broken bones and started bleeding. I wonder if smone is closeby with a bandage and morphine and can help me :) and i wouldnt say no to a teamate to scavenge with.

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i lost it all, i tried to pick up a sniper and i only had the first backpack which i didnt know deleted the weapon :P so i threw all medical supplies i had in there

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Im in the airfield on a bike riding around like a maniac on US206. Dont think I have any morphine but I have lots of bandages and some painkillers.

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I could help you (I think) if I had any idea where you were or where I am. Only 30 minutes in the game, and I'm absoultely lost in the middle of some forest somewhere. I think I'm going to die of starvation / dehydration...

EDIT: Nevermind - I think I have pain killers...not morphine...

Edited by Guss

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i could use a bandage :D then i could search for morphine can u add skype ? gizmoofire

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ye i did check that out, and added like 6 ppl on steam but no one has responded and they say the dont wanna enter NWAF :) i dont know if they dont wanna enter even if it's an empty server :P

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Are you still looking for help? I can bring you some medical supplies. I'm rather far from you at the moment but if you don't mind waiting I'll head your way.

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that would be awesome :) do you have skype ? if so add me /gizmoofire easier to talk there :D

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Hope you found help, if not my steam name is "doctorsloth" send me a message on there and we may be able to work something out.

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I'm headed in his direction now with medical supplies. Wouldn't mind a little back-up if you're interested Dr_Sloth

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If you still need help i am at NWAF and i have a bandage and morphine and i can help you.... just have to tell me where you are!

Origin Handle--- i3oost

steam Handle--- __hollywood__ two _'s before and after

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