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Welcome to Seattle 1776

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Welcome to Seattle 1776

We are a newer server Running on a dedicated server, This server dose nothing but run Dayz we are looking to provide the best Dayz experience we can. We do this by offering a few things to make sure the server is always running at peak performance.

What We Offer

  • Server restart every 6 hours.

  • Warning at 15, 5 and 1 minute(s) to give everyone the most warning time.

  • The server runs on a dedicated box that is only here to run this server.

  • Active admins who are around a lot to deal with issues that may arise.

Server info

  • Veteran

  • No name tags

  • 3rd person is on

  • Waypoints are on

If you're looking for a new home or just starting out come check us out at Seattle 1776.

Edited by ButterBall
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well I thought I would check you out as I only started yesterday..

Took me 10 deaths before I finally managed to get some equipment etc, (played on a night server for 3 hours) so I could start

again today. was going through these forums saw your post and joined. Lasted 10mins before i was sniped at the powerplant lol...

well back to square one all good fun :)...

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Do you do automated warning for server restarts? If so how? I would really love to do that. Right now I just give warning myself when I am on but I am not always on to do it.

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Do you do automated warning for server restarts? If so how? I would really love to do that. Right now I just give warning myself when I am on but I am not always on to do it.

I can get back to you about that in a PM at some point.


We are having some network issues causing some descync issues we are working on it now very sorry about that.

Edited by ButterBall
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Myself and my guys have played on your server a few times. Great connection, ping, and fps all around. Definitely added to favorites.

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Do you do automated warning for server restarts? If so how? I would really love to do that. Right now I just give warning myself when I am on but I am not always on to do it.

We use a combination of BEC and .bat files in order to restart. Because people complained about how their positions were not saved due to 1.7.2 and the Hive not working well together there's a massive amount of warnings about restarts. The server also locks 2 minutes before a restart to prevent people from connecting. At 1 minute after the hour a Windows scheduled task for executing the bat file triggers and then reloads the server. You can use the scripts if you want, I worked on them for a while to just give people warning.




Edited by Sodajones
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This one is run by "goons" from the somethingawful forums ( [LLJK] is the tag they have been using in this game ), and is basically their private server. Anyone who logs in that isn't part of the group will be hunted down and griefed as hard as possible. That alone wouldn't be so bad, if you're into that running-man style of play, but expect to run into people with duped items and expect the server admins to do everything they can to preserve their groups' playstyle while "drinking pubbie tears".

Expect to see things like this: http://i.imgur.com/oQugL.jpg (duped bear traps covering an entire city)

-snip Don't post private information.

To the goons: Angry that someone blew your cover? I prefer the taste of your tears over those of "pubbies". I look forward to reading your lamentations in the private thread. Not everyone who paid to be a member of those forums is your friend, and the sooner you figure that out, the better off you'll be.

Edited by Legacy
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Also, are you allowed to break the new naming convention?

Edited by Inu

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I saw some helicopter crashes in cherno and idk if you have Helicopters enabled but i also saw one in the air hehe not sure if they were hackers

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I saw some helicopter crashes in cherno and idk if you have Helicopters enabled but i also saw one in the air hehe not sure if they were hackers

Did you catch the name of the guy? There was a hacker spawning in helicopters. We are trying to find his name and ban him.

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To the goons: Angry that someone blew your cover? I prefer the taste of your tears over those of "pubbies". I look forward to reading your lamentations in the private thread. Not everyone who paid to be a member of those forums is your friend, and the sooner you figure that out, the better off you'll be.

Ever since I started playing Day Z in May I have seen Goons complaining about how people keep signing up for the forums just to gain access to their private servers and then grief them. I am pretty sure they are well aware of your mad-scientist-cackling subversion at this point.

Forums drama: just one more reason I play alone, and almost exclusively on servers with <5 people on them.

Edited by Quarex

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Did you catch the name of the guy? There was a hacker spawning in helicopters. We are trying to find his name and ban him.

This is funny. I think you know who it is. I'm hesitant to name names because I don't want to put the dayz forums mods in a position where they have to edit my posts again, but it's the guy that posts scripts and security holes. People don't even need access to the private thread to see evidence of that, it's all in the public one.


(Goon 1) "I would get in a channel and people would be talking about the Huey races they were doing with 15 spawned in helicoptors. "
(Goon 2) "...incident where Nexty destroyed a couple of vehicles with goons inside with his hacked in helicopter."
(an actual somethingawful forums mod) "About a month or so ago right when the M107 TWS shit happened ... There were literally nearly a dozen goons sitting in camp during primetime doing absolutely nothing but dupe trading gear on a regular basis."

Seems like the hacking and duping is well known and benefited from. The general opinion is "Go ahead, but dont get me banned. Also, can I have a duped kit?":

(the server admin himself (Loose lips sink ships?)) "Do not talk about hacking in this thread or on the mumble server. You are literally ruining the game for the rest of us."
(Goon 3) "I don't give a shit what you do on your own, but hacking in goon camp incriminates us all, and I don't want to pay $30 for a new CD key."

The obvious solution is to just take it to someone else's server. Fucking pubbies.

(Goon 4) "Nexty I don't care what you do I just ask that you take it over to pubbie server and ruin their day not ours."
(Goon 5) "My thoughts on this... I agree that putting all goons' cdkeys at risk via hacking in camp etc. is a big problem.

However, I had loads of fun running around with Nexty and co., so please PM me where we can get the group going again, somewhere else "

Make of it what you will, and I'm sure this post will get censored too, but I hope my general warning to "pubbies" still stands. Find another server to play on if these things will ruin your experience.

Ever since I started playing Day Z in May I have seen Goons complaining about how people keep signing up for the forums just to gain access to their private servers and then grief them. I am pretty sure they are well aware of your mad-scientist-cackling subversion at this point.

Forums drama: just one more reason I play alone, and almost exclusively on servers with <5 people on them.

Oh, Quarex. Your avatar on these forums is very appropriate because you post like a confused old man. I'm not a j4g (my regdate is older than yours!), I'm just a hate-filled dick. HTH :)

unrelated lol:

"The ping limiter is around 250 to keep the Russians and Kazaks from connecting easily."

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I like how you leak only key quotes that help better your hate goons cause. We later condemn the hacker and hacking all together. We have made it very very clear that talking about hacking on our mumble will get you banned. We can't control what some people do just like with any other group there are going to be people who do this shit. You can't expect us to police the choices of these many people. We don't care about you or anyone on the server we want you here so we can kill you but really how is that any different form any other group running a server? We are not for hacking, were not unrealistic we can't force this person to stop hacking and I would rather they not do it at all but if he must I don't want it on our server.

We all know who you are on the forums.

Edited by ButterBall
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Hahaha Hardeknut, you're so pooper peeved. You're also about as stealthy as Michael J. Fox with a pocketful of change.

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Hardeknut, I like how you cherry pick quotes to make it seem like I am encouraging hacking.

My full post:

Here is the basic deal: The mass hysteria needs to stop. We are going to keep a simple server password system and change the password as needed.

Yesterday I logged in to find a bunch of goons actively and publicly hacking. This is not okay. I don't give a shit what you do on your own, but hacking in goon camp incriminates us all, and I don't want to pay $30 for a new CD key.

So here is how it is going to work: We will be keeping a server password. If you want opsec for your activities, create your own private channel for your group or find a different mumble server. Do not talk about hacking in this thread or on the mumble server. You are literally ruining the game for the rest of us. *I will be actively banning retards who use our server or our mumble while hacking. Use common sense.*

I went ahead and bolded the part that you "forgot".

Edited by iWhiskey
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We're going to be switching hosts in the coming days (read: tomorrow at the latest) so bear with us, the servers will most likely be down. The new server host will be located on the east coast of the US in New Jersey.

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What's happened to this server? I've not seen it around for days!

Read above. Somebody additionally decided to try to steal our name so if you're on US 1776 currently it isn't us.

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Read above. Somebody additionally decided to try to steal our name so if you're on US 1776 currently it isn't us.

Ah alright, I assume your server is now the 'US 100 New Jersey' one?

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The admins on this server is hackers defending themself... We have proof

, if that's not enough we, we have a video recorded where we got banned for "hacking" where you could clearly see we did not. Long story short, we found a camp in Krutoy Cap and looted it, several minutes later 2 people ran up to a heli they just spawned and we killed them. Suddenly we got shot by a invisible guy just infront of us. The smoke came out of no where and we died.. That's when we derped around and they killed us by flying over us with helicopters. Somehow they knew where we were spawning AND where we parked our vehicles... I hope this server will be taken down and the admins banned if they havent been already.

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