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A few newbie questions.

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Is it only possible to spawn in the southern towns ?


Is it area specific? The further into land the better ? (ive seen the drop rates on the database website but still.. :|)


Are they bugged ?

They run extremly fast.

They dont die instantly.

You can get aggro out of the blue ?

-Fustrated newbie. :)

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Hey Gant,

@Spawn - There are about 10-15 unique spawn locations along the coast, almost all of them are on the southern border of the map, but a few are on the south east side, for example Three Valleys and The Quarry.

@Loot - It's all based on what type of building you're looting, here's some more information on that: http://dayzwiki.com/....php?title=Loot

@Zombies - They're not "bugged", rather this mod is a hack within a hack, causing them to act a little funny. They're intended to be quite strong though.

Edited by Guest

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You can spawn in any of the coastal citys South of Solichny on the Eastern coast and any of the cities along the Southern Coast.

For a beginning player its best it go to the nearest city and try to get some basic supplies like food and water/cola. After that move inland and head to barns and other farm buildings to hopefully get a hatchet because that's one of the best weapons for killing zombies in towns if you can get the timing right. I died and made a new character the other day and I had 48 zombie kills after 2 small towns because of my hatchet lol. I leave shotguns and crossbows alone over the hatchet until i find a Whinchester and ammo for it because thats a one hit kill to a zombie and its alright for pvp. Once you're geared with basic stuff (Knife, hatchet, matches, 1 or 2 canteens) you can start living off the land and go places farther and farther North.

Zombies are a bit glitchy at this point but they're easy to deal with once you figure out how they move, see and attack. I'm not going to tell you how to best deal with them because you need to figure out the way you like best :)

Edited by Honey_Badger

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It's normal to be frustrated during you first games, but it should not last long.

Keep on playing, and you will soon know how to recognize spawn points to orientate yourself, and which buildings to loot to find whatever you need, as well as ways to escape zombies.

It all comes down to a matter of experience. In a few games you will be roaming the northern part of the map with military grade equipment ! ;)

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Thanks for the reply's. :)

Another question:

Is it better to play night servers because of the lower visibility ?

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It's not particularly better to play on night servers, because you can't see either. lol but yes your visibility is lower so zombies shouldn't aggro as easily.

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Another question, does loot respawn ? or is it reset with the server ? :)

(sorry for all the nooby questions! >_<)

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In order for loot to respawn, I was told you have to completely clear the loot zone (like all the spots loot spawns, cans and other stuff too) and then 30 minutes later it'll respawn. So if its a house that has 3 or 4 loot spawns you need to take ALL the stuff from the house and come back in 30 minutes.

This is all from word of mouth though, I've never waited to find out.

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Thanks for the reply's. :)

Another question:

Is it better to play night servers because of the lower visibility ?

For me, personally, my first time playing yesterday I found it much easier to move around in towns unseen while it's night on the server. But that's only because I turned up the gamma all the way so it wasn't completely pitch black and I could still see somewhat, like a full moon was out.

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