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Modifications to animal behavior, hunting & gutting

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Some of this has been touched on already, but I haven't seen some of this in other threads.

I can understand hunting a cow or sheep with an axe because it's domesticated, but not a boar. As stated in other threads, better scripting for animals would add some more depth, and possibly more danger if trying to kill a boar with an axe.

The main idea is as follows:

Currently you can only gut an animal with a hunting knife, but an axe should work too.

Hunting knives should still give the same amount of meat.

Axes should give maybe half that amount of meat.

You should still be able to get one piece of meat without any blade, just kill the animal and cook it on the spot somehow.


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I do think we will get more interesting animals as the AI for zombies is optimized and as such can be transferred over to animals, working in two places at once at something that is only half working in either place is just time wasted. Get it good on one (zeds) and transfer it over to any other AI controlled entity...

I would love to see 'sharpening tools' added to the game, so that your knife can go dull and you get less meat. How would the knife go dull, well it should be able to use it to open cans, if you do not have a 'can opener', or a screwdriver to open a can; and from just using it in other situations... I do think a kitchen knife could be added that does what you want for the axe. Then again chopping off a leg with an axe is fairly viable, so the axe may well have it's place there as well. Perhaps the size of the animal can play a part, as cleaning a chicken with an axe sounds like it would just leave a pile of spoiled meat !

Gutting without anything sharp is pretty much near to impossible ...

Edited by L0GIN

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