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deadlyslob (DayZ)

More Zombies But Make Them Slower

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When searching around YouTube for DayZ videos, I came across this "Undead Mod" which apparently inspired the DayZ Dev Team. Although this video seems very... cinematic and probably not actual gameplay... I feel this is what Dayz NEEDS to feel like.

First, please take a few moments to reveiew this video:

As you can see, firing a gun doesn't cause the zombies to charge at you from 500 meters away... of course, it catches their attention but you can easily evade them. However, increasing the amount of Zeds can also create a challenging experience and an ammo dump.

Right now (in patch 1.7.2) the zombies don't feel right. They feel like supernatural humans that can rip you apart like Zombie Hulks, not like undead beings.

If you knock down the crazy, and increase the amount of zombies I guarantee it will make the game feel more like a zombie apocalypse.

In addition, increase the amount of zombies on the ground will make it easier for players to evade snipers and add a challenge to PvP.

Obviously, this is a massive undertaking to do on LIVE servers and I am sure this is really where the team would like to take DayZ. The next big step for this mod would be to fix the Zed's because they are very very broken.

PS: You could even keep a class of zombies that are runners but make them rare... because of how hard they can be to kill,

Im not sure what your thoughts are about Zeds, but leave your suggestions here!

Edited by deadlyslob
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I FREAKIN LOVE YOU AND THIS IDEA!!! #1 Idea I've heard about in like 2 months

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I ALSO HAVE THE SAME IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Looks cool but alittle bit too easy.

The Zombie reactions - yes

The number of zombies - yes

The Zombie animations - YES!

but the speeds need to be about the speed of how a player does a crouched run or maybe a regular run.

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YES! 100% agree all the way through Agree with everything in this post i like it, love it, make it happen. :)

Day z is already epic and awesome, but this has the power to make it even more epicer and awesomeer.

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I love George A. Romero or the walking dead type zombies much more than running L4D type zombies.

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I like the idea of diversifying zombie types - crawler/hopper/shambler/fast zombies - so that they are actual types and not just the same basic zombie that can switch between movement types.. it is sort of crazy to see crawlers suddenly get up and rush you, or shamblers to stop, get down, and crawl under things (I'm not familiar with most undead being this versatile - runners, I could see things like jumping/climbing and being more mobile). Swimmers/climbing zombies also seem to be somewhat out of place, but again, I understand running a lot of live mobs shambling in the ocean taxes the servers, and also that people too readily probably shimmy up ladders to "get away" from zombies... although its weird I see climbers in doors, but not outdoors...

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Looks cool but alittle bit too easy.

The Zombie reactions - yes

The number of zombies - yes

The Zombie animations - YES!

but the speeds need to be about the speed of how a player does a crouched run or maybe a regular run.


You'd obviously not include auto-aim, so it wont make it THAT easy. Heck, they can make them run... just not that fast. It really takes from the realism in this game I think. Right now the Zeds are So buggy that I think I only play this game for the PvP. But mix in a little L4D action. Make it worth while to team up with other players and not just shoot them.

And of course, this is all easier said then done. I am sure Rocket and the dev team have more than enough ideas right now and have a clear direction on where to take this game.

I'd ever wonder if they'd consider making a kickstarter account.

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I'm sure pretty much everyone is disatisified with the zombies as of the current game. If you actively avoid them, they're not much of a challenge. If you try to fight them, they're completely ridiculous and zig zag/teleport across the map. I would indeed be interested in seeing more zombies like these, and maybe the current zombies kept as a certain type of zeds, and in low percentage. Also, more zombies = more ammo usage meaning groups will have to be intelligent about how they tackle zombies.

Edited by Undeadsteak
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I think the speed should be lowered just a tad, they can currently keep up with you at a sprint "double tapping W" but i think that they should move at the run speed "shift toggle speed" that way you can still out run them, but they are still a challenge, everything in the video made the zombies look even more of a joke than they are now in DayZ. The only threat currently in DayZ is the PVP players, zombies are just too easy to lose (even at this full sprint speed). IMHO, the zombies need to be alot more agressive than they currently are...

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well that looked way to easy, while i do think zombies RUN for you way to often, it's not the running of them that bugs me, it's that they run where there is no need for it. If you don't move or shoot and they see you, they should just come in slow, if you run for it they should run as well, if you shoot they should run, either away or for you to hurt you... thats a tad more intelligent behavior but still at the 'animal' level (with the exception of running FOR you if you shoot at them) ...

the 'spotted' now im gonna rush at you at lightning speed, is not needed, the rest of the zombie action is ok for me :) ... they are simple instinct driven creatures now, and you are their prey, look at any 'hunter' in the real world, they will try to get as close as they can undetected and only launch when they are close enough to be sure not to waste energy. That is how the Zed's should function... in my views ofcourse :)

Edited by L0GIN
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Zombies in this video are very cool animated. I really like it. Higher number + slower zombies is a good idea.

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the good old zombies :lol:

exactly what I hoped to see in DayZ

I dont like the zombies in DayZ anymore they just a pain in the ass and its not fun at all to kill them...

they keep coming if you shoot etc.

They spot me from miles away

also when I kill zombie instead of falling down its run 2-3 meters forward and only then it dies, but when zombie run this 2-3 meters if Iam in its direction its hits me, WTF :|

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I actually think they have been debating between the George Romero style zombie (Slow) and the Dawn of the dead(Fast) style zombie.

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Agreed. I've taken to only playing at night now because the infected are just crazy OP.

There bodies are degrading, they should have lower senses and slower functions. not imitating the Flash with a serious case of the munchies.

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They're not dead.

They are infected people, still alive.

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I like the idea of having different types, some sprint, some move towards you at normal pace etc

The problem with the current animation is that they can move/attack faster than the player.

Edited by disorder

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You'll need to take care of other survivors in the fields (probably zombies randomly roaming the wilderness), and take care of zombies in cities/towns (lots and slow) while you resupply in ammo/food/water.

And i think we should make ammo/weapon more scarce and melee weapons more common (making a player with a gun someone important in the group lol) if this gets implemented, making every encounter a life/death moment. You'll want to save some ammo for the other humans

Edited by RoboSheriff
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please add the oldschool zombie instead of the Dayz zombie, it really gives that scary feeling when theyre like that in the video. rather than the Dayz zombies which are just a pain in the ass

Edited by Asasaint

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I really like the idea for making much more zombies with much slower speed just like the good old days zeds. It should be their numbers that makes the problems, not their superhuman abilities. In 1.7.2, even though the devs said that the zeds have less vision, they can see from miles away during the night and day, have inhumane hearing ability and also freaking speed. So, it would be good to make them vast in number while have degenerating abilities like animals, not superman.

Make the ammo and guns rarer with more melee weapons and the melee fighting ability against zeds. This way, people would think more before they spam their guns.

Edited by Jacques

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Good idea, so zombies walking in buildings are not a bug anymore! lol

Of course the limited speed of zombies should be balanced with:

  • Higher number: slow zombies in low number aren't a threat. If they are more, if you go in a building to loot it while a zombie saw you, you are pretty much dead, unless you have a lot of ammo.
  • Bulletproof: slow zombies are no more infected, so dead zombies are so fucking resistant to bullets. Maybe 8 Makarov bullets to the body to kill one zombie. 1 shot to the head to kill them.
  • More damage: since slow zombie are easy to evade while in open space, they should be able to make more damage while they got you and, maybe, have more chances to break your leg as it was before 1.7.2.

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I totally agree, i would like to see a higher number of slower, powerfull zombies. I think the walking dead series really hit the spot, once they attack you, you´re pretty much f´d , but if you spot them from far you can kill them with melee or gun. To prevent people from running around big cities and looting everything, the zombies will just swarm the house your in so there is no way out.

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