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Goose Springsteen

A case for "classic" Zeds

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it's a shame that slow classic zombies cannot be implemented given server constraints. i understand the necessity for how zombies are now, but feel their detection in the most current patch is sort of extreme. i was pulling these kenyan zombies from what felt like 100 yards away while in a crouched run, making sneaking into a city seem sort of impossible. i guess we can try crawling everywhere.

in the end, we just end up running through, pulling a horde, and shooting them all inside. kind of derp. i guess we have to get better? lol.

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i like this idea! then, we could actually:

1. ESCAPE zombies chasing us

2. actually try to get a headshot for ammo conservation rather than OMGSHOOTHIMASMUCHASPOSSIBLEMAYBEHE'LLDIE

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Slow zombies would require many' date=' many more before they were a threat. And then there is the problem of disposing of bodies. Even checking on the NUMBER of dead bodies takes a fair amount of CPU at present so cleanup is done rarely and carefully.

That and personally, I don't really like the traditional concept of zombies - they reflect societal fears that we have outgrown somewhat. Modern "28 days later" zombies reflect the fear of infections, of things we can control and see, the loss of our humanity, the breakdown of order, nameless/borderless enemies. The modern zombie interest is really, imho, a social commentary on the fears of modern society. They capture nicely the things we fear.

This implementation was chosen because the infected are threatening, but their number can be controlled and balanced so the servers can be up, living, and remain stable for 24 hours. I realise this is a disapointment to some, but if it comes down to something being cool but costing performance or not being workable - then its not included.


This has actually been really a really insightful view. I've always viewed "fast zombies" as a dumbed down bastardization of the original archetypical manifestation of the inevitability of death. I'd never considered that their artistic merit could lie in shifting societal fears from the unknown external factor to the unknown social other in our ever-increasingly interconnected age.

It's not enough to make me love them right off the bat, but it's artistic merit I hadn't thought fast zombies possessed before today. Also, engine limitations are a B.

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