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Whats the deal with Clothing?

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Whats the deal?

I have been wearing Ghillie for weeks and now you guys telling me if i log in im dead? or maybe Withouth logging in im dead?....

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I was wearing a ghillie before the latest patch (1.7.2) and simply wasn't wearing it after joining for the first time. Everything else was normal.

But when I tried putting on another one I had in my backpack I lost my main weapon + normal inventory, pistol + pistol inventory and my range finder because some idiot though it'd be funny for me to port into the ocean for a few secs when changing clothing (you normaly port to the debug forest).

Just spawn and if you spawn in the desert with nothing on you just respawn again it's a bit like russian roulette at the moment.

Edited by butter_milch

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