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DMR is more common than M24?

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Remember the loot system is RNG. You either are just gonna get fortunate with a dmr or any other rare weapon. No such thing as more common(unless it has higher droprate) its just purely luck. You could go in the barracks and get 4 NV's it won't happen because you would have just voided your luck to actually win the lottery.

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So as it stands with people disconnecting, the DMR would seem the better weapon. If the exploiting was fixed, the M24 would hold its rightful place as king. The spawning seems fine if you consider that the DMR is a squad issued marksman rifle whereas the M24 is a sniper issued rifle. No gamey "buffs" need to be added to the weapons, lets not bog this game down with arcade shit to "balance" -- Just fix the Alt+F4 bug that plagues the game.

This, pretty much. The M24 is a better specialist sniper rifle, but the DMR is more versatile. Their rarity makes sense from a realism point of view.

Although, the other problem with the M24 is just how common the .50 cal rifles are, and how much better they are at everything the M24 does.

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DMR is a good all around sniper and you could get away with just carrying that around with no backup gun.

I prefer the m24, due to its better accuracy, zeroing ability, and I actually feel like a sniper when using it. You can break down dmr mags to make 4 m24 mags also

It's like using an auto shotty in an fps, sure it shoots alot faster and thus you can put more fire on people. But you feel more badass with a pump action.

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I didn't know changing spawn rate was a "gamey buff"...

I was referring to the suggestion made earlier to "somehow buff the M24".

But, when you consider that STANAG / 5.45x39 / 7.62x39 mags are used in -roughly- the same weapon, it sort of differentiates it from the M24 vs. M21. The STANAG mags are used in AR's, bottom line. Pretty much the same weapon, no matter if it has a CCO or Irons, it's pretty much the same thing. Same goes for the AK's.

I appreciate what you're saying but DMR magazines also fit into the M14 AIM which is a battle rifle and essentially could replace an assault rifle / perform the same roles more or less. That's 3x rifles that you're needing that ammo type for.

Stanag magazines also fit into the SAW which is a light MG, as well as 100/200 round belts. They also fit into the L85, which is an assault rifle but with the thermal sight / scope and ability to zero out to 800m I would say is way more potent.

I've even seen quite a few .50 magazines pottered about in hangers and the like. The only magazines you're ever really "wanting for" are the silly spawns that come out of crash sites or are only barracks specific such as the SVD / FAL / Bizon.

There's no assault rifle / rifle that you're "totally flooded" with ammo for or "can't find shit anywhere". Which is kind of the way it should be. I'm rolling in ammo, but then I've been alive for over a month. Once he fixes the fact that you can't replenish magazines by logging out and back in there will be a lot less people going "lol easy to get ammo".

Being able to Alt+F4 out of combat, or log out and back in to get refilled magazines are the main issues. From a dev standpoint those are what need fixing. When you start fiddling with other issues that these have caused then you'll just screw things up further.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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How comes that spawn rate of DMR is rare while the M24's one is very rare?


Military structure loot:

M24 spawn chance is 0.11%

DMR spawn chance is 0.11%

M24 has zeroing

M24 has superior accuracy

The DMR is a MARKSMAN RIFLE for mid to long range

The M24 is a SNIPER RIFLE for long to very long range

Yesterday I've found a DMR in a deerstand FFS

They are military structures

And I've found 3 M24s in deerstands while having found 0 DMRs in them

What does that tell you about chance based loot?


Edited by Hawk24
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I agree, ammunition is all over the place. However, I'm just speaking relatively. And I was ignoring the other hyper-rare weapons like the LMG's and L85 NWS, because that opens a whole other can of worms regarding balance which isn't the objecitve to discuss here.

The magically filling mags are the biggest issue for me, Alt-F4 can be minimized by just blowing them away ASAP. But, it is a huge problem nonetheless.

If anything, I think ammunition for certain weapons needs to be rarer... but more interchangable if you understand my meaning. For instance, a belt of 100 for a M240 should be really rare, but able to be broken down into other 7.62x51 NATO mags. Weapons like the AR's and AK's, I don't think the ammo needs to be made rare. It's fine the way it is now, barring the refilling mags bug.

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The m24 can Zeeroing the DMR can not ... i know mutch peaplo who cant compare with the DMR becouse the bulletdrop :) but i prefer the DMR 2 :D

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We need more variety for civilian and paramilitary weapons.

More hunting rifles more sidearms more shotguns and more submachine guns.

Military weapons should be reduced to military places like tents and barracks and heli crash(and other events).

Fire(police station) air towers tower hall train stations and some industry buildings should have mostly police/industry/train/security guards weapons(no military equipment).

Deer stands should spawn only hunting weapons shotguns and rifles(scoped or not) not pistol or automatic weapons or military grade sniper rifles.

Also remove anti material rifles. They don't fit zombie theme and don't have any logical drawbacks(like heavy weights and size) ffs you can fit them in backpack. They are just superior in any way to other sniper rifles.

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The magically filling mags are the biggest issue for me, Alt-F4 can be minimized by just blowing them away ASAP. But, it is a huge problem nonetheless.

Why is everyone discussing mag-refill-on-reconnect in a M24/DMR thread?

You don't need to reconnect to refill your M24/DMR mag

Just convert the mag 2 times and it is full again

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btw, chernarus is a eastern european country, or not? ... so why are there everywhere US military vehicles and weapons?

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Also remove anti material rifles. They don't fit zombie theme and don't have any logical drawbacks(like heavy weights and size) ffs you can fit them in backpack. They are just superior in any way to other sniper rifles.

It's a horror survival sandbox. They're more than apt.

Also, .50's have their downfalls too. For starters, they're pretty rare -- You need to go to heli crash sites or the NW barracks. Secondly they make the most sound out of any gun in the game so zombies aggro to you from further away. The M107 has massive recoil, they're very very long which means you clip through walls and have a hard time hiding in bushes you also can't use them with NVG. I will agree that the extra range / power is a bigger benefit than those cons, but they are not "better in every way".

Why is everyone discussing mag-refill-on-reconnect in a M24/DMR thread?

You don't need to reconnect to refill your M24/DMR mag

Just convert the mag 2 times and it is full again

Yes you can abuse that bug too to get unlimited ammo. The discussion came up because someone mentioned ammunition as an argument for / against M24's when as pointed out it's a little bit of a moot point.

btw, chernarus is a eastern european country, or not? ... so why are there everywhere US military vehicles and weapons?

Well for starters, the helicopter crash sites depict other nation's special ops who crashed hence the western weaponry. Also NATO sold / donated a lot of weapons to former Warsaw pact countries in Eastern Europe. Seeing Eastern European armies with SAW's / M16's / M4's / Humvies / M113's / Barrets etc is not as uncommon as you'd imagine. This is 2012 not 1980.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Bolt action = Higher accuracy

Zeroing = Higher accuracy

2 things a DMR does not have, AND the M24 does more damage. If you're a sniper, you should be killing in the first shot anyways, so you won't need a high rate of fire.

I honestly perfer the M24, but i think i'm alittlie bias on it having owned one in the past. But i find more M24 ammo more then anything else in military areas. Could be part of why the gun its self is rare?

Should just be tweaked a little.

Anywho, I don't think the M24 should be removed. M24 needs to be more common and the DMR needs to be rarer, ammunition included. DMR Mags are EVERYWHERE.

You guys realise that the DMR and M24 use the same rounds, right? And therefore you can use both types of mags for both guns. A DMR mag splits into 5 M24 mags. Just click G and right click the mag and convert it. Also, for the statement about the M24 doing more damage, I believe this is not true? I'm not 100% sure and correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the damage in this game depend on the round? And they both use 7.62 x 51? And what does the action have anything to do with? But I completely agree with the zeroing. Zeroing is a must for me.

But with this being said I would still prefer a DMR... Unless of course it was the M24 variant which fired a .338 LM. I'd take that any day ;)

Edited by Rammfisch

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btw, chernarus is a eastern european country, or not? ... so why are there everywhere US military vehicles and weapons?

Zombie apocalypse probaby started after arma 2 campaign or nato sent forces to help combat them, or americans tried to deliver democracy.

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Zombie apocalypse probaby started after arma 2 campaign or nato sent forces to help combat them, or americans tried to deliver democracy.

I think it's just because most of the stuff in regular Arma is all US based... But nice RP outlook there, Hawc XD

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DMR has no proper zeroing, using mildots to zero is pretty inaccurate.

I prefer the M24 all the way - Why would you even need a semi automatic sniper rifle when the M24 is oneshot-kill to the head.

Not to mention the M24 is just a classic and badass gun.

Btw, you can turn DMR mags into M24 mags. So the "DMR ammo is more common" arguement is pointless.

DMR and M24 Have the same damage in most cases, so a DMR shot to the head would also kill someone...

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Obviously not a Military bone in anyone's body in this thread.

Yes the DMR has a higher round count, semi-automatic and has a 2 x zoom with the scope. There is no Zeroing with the DMR rifle, all guestimate if you have a range-finder or a noob server. AND after 400-500 meters the damage effects reduces, because the bullet slows down and you have to fire server times at a guessed range.

The M24 has a 5 round count and being bolt action. It has a 1x zoom scope but zooms further than the DMR. IT does have a zeroing for far targets. I think (correct me if I am wrong) up to 1,000m-1200m? Meaning if you have a range finder and your target is 1,000m away all you have to do is (PAGE UP) to zeroing meter till you are on 1,000. Put cross hair dead center on target, badah-bing-badah-boom.

I like both weapons but 1 shot is better than several at a far target, and or moving.

I would pick the M24 over the DMR.

DOC out

Implying that no one in this thread knows anything about guns and you don't even know how mildots work, rofl. just leave, 'Doc'.

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Bolt action = Higher accuracy

Zeroing = Higher accuracy

2 things a DMR does not have, AND the M24 does more damage. If you're a sniper, you should be killing in the first shot anyways, so you won't need a high rate of fire.

This isn't CoD, if you can score a Center-of-Mass shot you take it. Most snipers IRL go for those shots since they are much easier and less risky. If policeman have to shoot someone, they go for the largest part of the body. They don't try to fucking get headshots because it's a waste of time.

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i stick with my trusty AS50 :D

tried all the lower tier ones, hate them. CZ550 probably the best next to AS50.

skip all the rest...

Edited by Azrail

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M24 has zeroing and is 1 hit 1 kill.

DMR doesn't have zeroing and is 2 hit to kill.

I'll take the m24 over the DMR any day.

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I've found multiple M24s while never having once found a DMR...

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It mentions on the wiki site that the DMR and the M24 both have the same range. The only difference with the guns is the mag count and the fire rate. And the mildots can be used in the M24 to find a target's distance, similar to that of the SVD Dragonov's PSO-1 scope. So I guess this is an advantage on efficiency for an experienced rifleman. However the majority of the servers you don't even need a rangefinder. You just have to scroll and BAM! distance is shown.

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btw, chernarus is a eastern european country, or not? ... so why are there everywhere US military vehicles and weapons?

UN forces trying to contain the infection?

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