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What if Day Z became a DLC?

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Now having a stand alone Day Z would not make much sense, especially since their kinda saying it could be F2P, what from my experience very few F2P games are actually enjoyable and barely noticeable the part where they suck the money out of you. Now if Day Z became a DLC, it would not just give the devs money but also using that money open up a window of opportunities. For example, the devs would be able to work side by side of Bohemia, what would mean there would be more livestock of designers and programmers to switch in and out from, equaling in faster updates and less bugs. The only bad side would be that if Day Z devs join Bohemia as a DLC, the money would be split, not so good but Bohemia would be able to lend money now and then to patch up some holes. Talking about money, less hackers! I mean hackers are a big problem, how many times have you died to a jet firing twenty missiles at you then to a Bandit, well actually it only happened once to me but you see my idea. if we raise the difficulty of hackers getting on this game for the sake of hacking, the population may be cut thin by forty or so percent. Talking about difficulties, if Day Z became a DLC, no more impossible installations! So tell me your opinion, if this is a OK idea or Iam a complete imbecile, if a stand alone Day Z game would be better or not, and comment how Iam too lazy to split paragraphs, because I know you all hate me already.

Edited by Matinek

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