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Tired Of Roughing It Alone?? (Steam Helpful)

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This is to all those who just seem to have no luck meeting nice people within the world of DayZ, I am starting this thread in order to meet and raid with all the fun-loving survivalists of DayZ. Me and my bro very recently purchased this game and have been having great fun whilst playing together (not so much alone) but what can you do, from bandits to zombies to bleeding endlessly without a bandage or weapon in sight makes your chances soloing this title very slim. So i am proposing in the next few hours (whilst i am at work) that any loner, duo or group of peoples that just looking to meet and adventure with new people post their steam names below as i have and when i get back i shall start adding frantically and try and get a little community going for those who have had trouble adapting so far.

The only requirement is this:

1) Must speak english (whether its fluent or basic we need to understand one another)

and a microphone would be useful but not essential i guess, and i dont believe in having an age range as it were, as all people, young and old, should be based on their actions and not on their age.

My steam name: Devmagic

Feel free to add me first should you wish but when i get back at 6pm GMT.......its gonna be on.

Thanks for your time and happy salvaging.

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Hi there ill add u when I get home steam name is also dennjoe21 if u don't want to add me first.

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Will add you when I get home.

All of you feel free to add me as well.

Steam: skunky1340

Edited by skunky1340

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Steam name The_Iso

I've been crawling around looking for weapons, 1st day. So many zombies...but, i found a Pepsi! <-- that's huge for me so far.

All are welcome to add. Reside in the US -5 GMT (east coast)

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added you iso and grandta are you also grandta on steam cause grandtak isnt bringing anyone up?

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we got a nice group going atm and we invested in a lil team chat program called raidcall for speaking but will use steam to chat prior to server play =)

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I'm recovering from a huge loss currently. I'm sick of starting alone, and being alone. I was well equipped, but brash. Took a round to the face for it. I'm new but it's not like I've never played a tactical fps before.

My steam is: ChefStephen

I've got vent, teamspeak, and Skype. i'm more than willing when it come to downloading more voice programs

Edit: I have a vent server that can be used if needed.

My UTC is -5 in the middle of northern Minnesota

I'm thinking of making a group for all of this because organization is magic.

Edited by ChefStephen

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Justed added you on steam: lepour. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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as ive told a lot of you i wont be on for long but i shall be back on tomoro 6pm GMT for more carnage. happy trails =)

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