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Leigh (DayZ)

Looking for players for a RPing group

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im currently running with a group of 3 other survivors, weve all been playing Dayz for over a month now and have decided to try and immerse ourselves a little further into it but doing some roleplaying, So were looking for a few extra players to expand the team. All we ask is that your over 20 and have some roleplaying experience. We have our own forum and most of us play pretty frequently at the moment, If anyone is interested or wants more information please let me know.



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I am interested. I used to roleplay on xbox to but wasn't realistic as this and would be fun to roleplay if your interested :)

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I'd love to join up with this type of group. I am 20 IRL and am familiar with RP across several games.

My steam name is Gfresco if you want to contact me.

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Interested. Steam name (and i am not proud of this): cycomonkeez

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