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Banners and other small ideas

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I get that the game is still very young and in its early stages, so my suggestions clearly aren't something to be implemented any time soon, but rather ideas I think that should be worked towards in the future.

#1. Banners/Flags - I think something small like this would add so much more to the game. Players could set up at locations and set up banners to make it easier for their friends to meet up with them, and also add as a warning to other players to stay away.

#2. Clothes scavenging - Likely something that I would expect to see in this game eventually (and it's basically there now), but there need to be more clothes and armor types. This way, groups can customize their look so it's easier for them to spot each other and recognize immediately if someone isn't a part of their own group.

#3. Locked Doors/Lockpicking Tools - I would love to see the ability to lock doors and lockpick in this game. Would give more incentive to travel back to certain towns just to see what is hidden in a house you couldn't explore previously. As well, it could possibly help with spawning issues, as you could lock yourself into a building before logging out, so the likelihood of someone being there when you return to that server would be lower than before. Could also be used to lock vehicle doors so someone intending to steal it would have to find a tool to unlock it first.

Anyway, just some small ideas I thought would be great. I think giving players more customization would ultimately lead to more groups and it would go from a game that is just player vs. player and lead up to more clan vs. clan scenarios.

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1 - NA pointless and to MMORPGish. If I saw a flag I can guarantee you we’d have around 10 guys surround it within minuets waiting to loot your bodies!!

2 - Yeah nice idea, perhaps riot gear which lowered your chance of bleeding out with one hit, but lowered your movement and perhaps heightened your visibility.

3 – I suggested this to my clan mates, the ability to “cut new keys “ for clan mates and for cars to be stolen either locking picking or window smashing which set of an obvious alarm which didn’t go off until the user had a tool.

Edited by Thegoon84

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1 - NA pointless and to MMORPGish. If I saw a flag I can guarantee you we’d have around 10 guys surround it within minuets waiting to loot your bodies!!

Well, yeah, that's exactly what I wanted! haha I was looting the factory and noticed how awesome it would be to try and hold it out while groups of 10-20 people try to storm in. Too often PvP moments are big groups hunting down one or two guys. I think fortified areas (which I think would start with banners) would lead to bigger fights between groups of people.

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Well, yeah, that's exactly what I wanted! haha I was looting the factory and noticed how awesome it would be to try and hold it out while groups of 10-20 people try to storm in. Too often PvP moments are big groups hunting down one or two guys. I think fortified areas (which I think would start with banners) would lead to bigger fights between groups of people.

Yeah i can see some sort of clan badge/flag coming in if this idea of bunkers come into effect. I just dont want it to end up like WoW.

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Just so it's clear, I want banners as something you can make out of supplies you gather. Not a random bound key to place markers like a spray paint in other games.

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