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looking for a group

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i am looking for a group to play with as all my other group seems to have moved on to other games.

i tried soloing ever since then and i have a good amount of time played.(does not show on steam cause i go through sixupdater)

after dieing today at berenzino hospital by falling off the latter (fully geared) i thought its about time i find another group and have fun again instead of being paranoid crawling everywere. i have a mic and i play it safe, i also play most of the day and late into the night and im on the east coast.

steam: DEMO MAN_ace

dayz: acerenegade

send me a message through steam or a pm through this website if your interested.

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Sorry mate, you are 6 hours behind me, so we would not get too much gametime together :/

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whats your time zone and when do you usually play? cause i play late till 6am here in EST. (granted job lets me)

Edited by acerenegade6

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