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2 things id like to seeee!

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Id like to see the name of the man that kills me, if im Pked.

(player 1) has killed (player 2) ...that kinda thing.

Also, id like it to say who killed who. For instance if a dead body is on the ground, it always says, His name was ********** he died from ......

Id like to see it say if it was by zombies? or another players name.

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So if I see a bandit, I'll KILL HIM!

i know! sHOOOooow it to us!

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Play BF or CoD, there you have these messages!

Ouch burrrnnnn.... great job brah. u squidlickin lil monkeysniffin whalehumper.

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Play BF or CoD, there you have these messages!

Seriously. BF is also a PvP haven with lots of vehicles, weapons, ammo, and even respawning. Oh, wait...

Stop being a douchebag.

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Seriously. BF is also a PvP haven with lots of vehicles, weapons, ammo, and even respawning. Oh, wait...

Stop being a douchebag.

yes, please stop being a douchebag, u read my mind all up. Lets be friends instead.

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This has been suggested 1000 times now.


I like how you don't know who killed you or who kills who on the server. It makes it feel more realistic.

Exactly. That's how the game is intended.

Edited by EnermaX

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