ares352 0 Posted May 18, 2012 I love using the crossbow, but its really not that effective against players. Unless you sneak up on someone and hit them directly in the head, your pretty much dead. And if you do sneak up on them and hit them in the head, any gun will do, so that doesnt really matter. Anyway....List of Improvements(That I think will make it better):(Btw idk if these will be possible to add in, but just suggestions)Quiver's - Having Quivers for the arrows would be awesome. Yes you can pick up your arrow from a body, but if you miss you cant. 1 Arrow takes 1 spot. 1 spot is to much. you need to carry ATLEAST 5 arrows. thats 5 spots. Way to much, So yeah having a Quiver would make it alot more worthy for even picking up a Crossbow. Even making the arrows stackable would be awesome.Poison Arrows - I dont care how you add it in. Add it. Would make the crossbow SOOOO much better in PVP. The way i see it. You hit someone with a poison arrow, they get dizzy or whatever the effect for having really low Blood is, getting that effect for being hit with a Poison Arrow would be awesome. So yeah, that would be great.Flaming Arrows (?) - Only adding this one in here because it sounds kinda cool, a mate of mine talked about it. Idk if thats even possible, but hey, throwing it out there.Scopes - Having Crossbows is nice, but having crossbows with a scope is even nicer. Nothing Overpowered or anything. I just think it would be alot cooler to have a scoped crossbow. Also the iron sight on the crossbow SUCKS. Thats just some suggestions for crossbows i got. If anyone else has some suggestions for Crossbows, add them in here! I hope the Dev's see this post. I know alot of people like using it. pce bros Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dovecoon 0 Posted May 18, 2012 I absolutely agree about scopes and quivers. I know quivers would be really hard to implement in the engine, though, so I'm not holding out hope for this (Maybe a modified backpack type thing might work?). But crossbows are definitely underpowered. I've never seen a single person using one, and they're only better than no weapon - and maybe the Enfield. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ares352 0 Posted May 18, 2012 Yeah, this is true. I know its not the top thing to be fixing right now. Shit i dont expect this to even be looked at till this game officially releases, but just a suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trooper (DayZ) 3 Posted May 18, 2012 On most crossbows these days they have a quiver on the crossbow itself. Sometimes people call them a quick quiver. Usually they are 3 - 5 arrows on the quiver. So maybe a possible solution is to have a 3/5 round magazine with a long time between shots, about 5/6s to load a bolt is fairly realistic. This would allow you to carry more ammo and free up some inventory. And yes the sights need some work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted May 18, 2012 they could treat the reload for a crossbow like a bolt action rifle it can have mag"quick quiver on the bow like sugested above" and a slow cocking animation then you can have your ammo in 3 shot lots Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nekosan 20 Posted May 18, 2012 All it really needs is a "magazine" format for bolts and a real ironsight, no reason for all that other junk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samsquanch (DayZ) 8 Posted May 18, 2012 Quiver can be changed to a "magazine" of 3-4 arrows which would only take 1 space in inventory. Scope needs to be implemented. Crossbows without some form of scope is really uncommon in this day and age. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tk300 0 Posted May 18, 2012 I absolutely agree about scopes and quivers. I know quivers would be really hard to implement in the engine' date=' though, so I'm not holding out hope for this (Maybe a modified backpack type thing might work?)[/quote']just configure the quiver as a simple magazine, with 5-10 bolts. that would be the easiest solution. i fully agree to this topic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites