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So today I saw 2 brilliant players putting on a light show with flares and flash lights in Cherno at night on a full 50 person server (Facepalm) and I decided to follow them. So upon following them to their camp 20 meters out of Cherno in a open field (Double facepalm) they popped a flare near me and it revealed my position so I decided to turn them into swiss cheese. I got one of them and the the other ran away, but to no surprise when I walked over it turns out they both combat logged. I'm sure they had crap loot but it just flat out annoys me when people do that.

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why kill innocent people that amused you at Cherno at all ?

Killing unarmed = should be banned as well.

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why kill innocent people that amused you at Cherno at all ?

Killing unarmed = should be banned as well.

You sir Roboserg are an idiot. Killing players who have no gear in cherno is completely legitimate Logging out in the middle of combat is Chicken shit and should be a fast ban.

( Don't play a zombie mod on a FPS military game simulation engine if you do not want to be shot at.)

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why kill innocent people that amused you at Cherno at all ?

Killing unarmed = should be banned as well.

They were armed, don't assume you know what they were carrying. Both had guns.

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why kill innocent people that amused you at Cherno at all ?

Killing unarmed = should be banned as well.

Please rage more because you are unable to find loot in cherno.

If you don't kill the unarmed, they'll find a weapon in less than 30 seconds and turn around and shoot you.

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This is the problem currently. There is this high "threat" of teaming up with no actual reward. So people just murder each other for no reason. I actually help players and I've yet to be shot in the back for doing so. Don't kill unarmed people. let them have a shot at doing something. If you don't like a fair fight and just camp buildings to laugh at noobs then perhaps you should be playing counterstrike?

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why kill innocent people that amused you at Cherno at all ?

Killing unarmed = should be banned as well.

Only way to get kills really. After someone has gear they tend to alt + f4 soon as they hear a gun go off.

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Please rage more because you are unable to find loot in cherno.

If you don't kill the unarmed, they'll find a weapon in less than 30 seconds and turn around and shoot you.

Please tell me more how I cant find loot in cherno. I was killed before cherno couple of times unarmed.

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