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Small Group looking for mature players.

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14:00-17 August 2012

We are looking to expand our team by a few mature players. 18 years or older please. While your Dayz experience does not matter, we are looking for people that can learn, lead, and follow. We are not a bandit group but we will kill anyone that poses a threat. One of our aims is to expand and sustain our base camp and run scavenging and sustainment ops. Most of us are on the East Coast and play at nights. We currently have about ~8 active daily players, a few others jump on every so often. We have our own website, our own server, and our own TS server. We are looking for players who like to have fun, but can be disciplined and take the game serious at the same time. We expect members to be on at least few times a week. We welcome anyone to join, but we prefer to have anyone located in North American time zones as it will make it easier to play as a team. We are going to be pretty selective on who we choose as newer members so please don't be offended if you are not chosen. If you think you would be a good fit for the team apply on the website.

You will need Team speak, a microphone, and a pair of head phones to be eligible.

Apply at http://www.indecisivebastards.com/home on the recruitment tab.

Make sure you check the comments on your application from time to time.


Edited by w_epley

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Also, you will mandatorily need a microphone as we use teamspeak.

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I'm looking for a group like this, heres my info. PM me if you think I could be of use please.

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Game Name: Sefin

Steam Name: coryjaynes

Age: 30

Timezone: Korea (but I play all hours)

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Sent message. Here is some quicky info if you lose the old one

Gamename: Cameron

Steamname: Manadeath

Age: 27

TZ: Central Standard Time

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Game Name: PlumB

Steam: name: Plum1029

AGE: 21

Time zone: eastcoast canada i got a good connection all through US i play usally 12:00 pm till 4-7 AM so if you looking for a friendly mature asset to your team send me a PM hopfully see u soon

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Game name: Komah

Steam name:comatosis420



Edited by Komah

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When do you guys plan to update to the newest version of Dayz? I would apply but your server info says your on the older version.

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