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Screen resolution problem

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I usually run triple monitors for my rig on 5780x1080. I want to run the game in single monitor though, but when I shut my side monitors off and change the screen resolution, it still squeezes in the game. I changed both my video card settings and the .cfg file in my documents. Any suggestions? My system just isn't good enough to run arma2 on high graphics over 3 monitors. I have a radeon eyefinity 570 card.

Oh the resolution is fine when I run the game with triple monitors.

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Hey, I know this is old, but have you solved it? Is it your 2D vs. 3D res settings in game? Did you perhaps not change your 3D res?

I have tried running triple header and it distorts (squashed).... How did you get it it running correctly across 3 screens? Arma 2 by itself works, but DayZ is all sqished.

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I am having the same issue as OP. I have 3 screens, but want to run single screen resolution (1920x1080). When I try this however... I can not see anything, but my desktop. I know the game is running because I can here it and move my character. The game just seems to not display anything... but 5760x1080 works flawlessly.

Yes, I have tried adjusting the 3d res too.

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