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Poet (DayZ)

So how do we find all our old servers with the new name changes?

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And for all, just type in google:

DayZ "and whatever the old server was"

Thanks jskibo, twice!

I have found all my old ones by clicking on the www.gametracker.com links which lead to the new info.

Edited by Poet

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IP address, server nickname, wait for admin to post a thread, ask around....first two are easiest

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IP address, server nickname, wait for admin to post a thread, ask around....first two are easiest

I meant from a player point of view, I had them all written down as Seattle # and such.

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I personally think that it's an unnecessary movement that will only cause confusion within the community. I see no point in forcing name changes. Just my opinion.

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Ive had this problem, i had quite afew regulars but since server name change they cant find us. I did how ever have quite afew pm's on here asking the new server name

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Same issue. Decided to move a lot of stuff to a different server because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find the server it was on............. Would help if all names would have "formerly Chicago 2" for example. Makes it really tough as a player to have stuff saved and lose it over a name change..........

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I ran into this problem too. Was pretty happy, because I finally found myself some good stuff and a tent, placed it on a server (US 265) and now I can't find the server anymore...

Who's managing the renaming by the way? Because I think that in this case, it'd be the responsibility of the ones renaming the servers to make a post with the old and new server names lined up.

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You could actually pay attention to the "Hosted by" after the server? Before I started my own server I would remember the hosts and not the server number most of the time. But for those that don't remember I put [Formerly Atlanta 68] on mine for the next week or so, so that if people search for that the new server will come up.

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Why don't you just post what the server was called, and maybe someone can help you by giving you what the name is now?

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Just down.......

DayZ - US 265 (v1.7.2/Beta 94700) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+11] dayzmod.com - hosted by Ersan us.png?1163393040

Server Data

Current Status: Down


Average Game Length: 03:56:34

Player Time: 1263:53:57

Platform: Win

Games Played: 28

Version: 1.60.94705 (req 160)

Battleye: Enabled

Active Mods: Arma 2: British Armed Forces (Lite), Arma 2: Private Military Company (Lite), beta, Expansion, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2, @dayz, @hive

Allowed Signatures: bi dayz bi2

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Was about to make a topic about this... I've been too nervous to pitch a tent since losing my other one on Chicago 48. If anyone knows where or what that server is (or how to properly search to find it?) that would be awesome as I had some nice goodies collected :) Cheers

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  1. For the guy above,

Its now US 554...

And for all, just type in google:

DayZ "and whatever the old server was"

Look for hits from this website as they track it: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data

Edited by jskibo

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Great solution jskibo. :)

I'll just switch servers then. I've been killed already by a bug, so my tent won't be there much longer, I reckon. About 48 hours, right?

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New name changes? What have I missed?

I've checked announcements and the stickies, but I came up with nothing new.

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Could anyone tell me the new name or IP address of Chicago 46 and if the name change is going to affect Carolina 2. Also how can I get the IP address of a server? All I can seem to see is server name.



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Could anyone tell me the new name or IP address of Chicago 46 and if the name change is going to affect Carolina 2. Also how can I get the IP address of a server? All I can seem to see is server name.



It's US 537.

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Ok I don't mean to sound like an idiot but evidently I am. I can find the data for an old server. How are you guys coming up with the new server name?

Thanks again

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What I do is Google the old name. In your case, I found a GameTracker link, which is a website that, well, tracks game servers. Even if a server gets a new name, the IP address still stays the same. GameTracker and arma2.swec.se both store servers under their IP address, so a new name will be automatically provided by these services.

The reason you find the old name in Google, is because Google is generally just a bit outdated: it still has to sync the new name to the search results.

Edited by Fengshen

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what has atlanta 33 been changed to, cant seem to find it on google either.

Edited by Scat

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tried that based on the google search, but since atlanta 33 dissapeared 429 hasnt ben on the list etiher.

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ah overlooked that, assumed it being down for 2 days that it didnt exist, thanks for the help.

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