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I had a bunch of my favorite Chicago servers dissapear from the list in the last hour or so.....Any ideas why?

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I had a bunch of my favorite Chicago servers dissapear from the list in the last hour or so.....Any ideas why?

I was playing Chicago 52 for the past few days and it went down on me today. After a quick google search of Chicago 52 and any status I noticed it was bringing me to a page for US 559. Joined it and I found my tent. Hope this helps!

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Chicago 52 is fishy. There is a big tentcamp on there made up of about 14 tents at a location i won't disclose. It was completely sealed off with barbed wire and sandbags as in tons of them. The tents had a couple of M4 SD's,M9 silenced pistols, M240, SAW's, the thermal scoped assault rifles etc with alot of ammo for each.

It's also the server where my friend and myself got jumped in the middle of the night by 6 people while there were only 8 people total on the server (so yea do the math 2 + 6 ) And no were not near a hotspot. Ofcourse its possible that that was coincidence after all the map is only 220sq km. Not setting foot on that place again. But then again its also fishy that that server restarts every 2 hours or so.

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HFb hosting did a lot of renaming tonight. Servers that were city xxx are now changed to US xxx to conform to new requirements.

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Chicago 52 is fishy. There is a big tentcamp on there made up of about 14 tents at a location i won't disclose. It was completely sealed off with barbed wire and sandbags as in tons of them. The tents had a couple of M4 SD's,M9 silenced pistols, M240, SAW's, the thermal scoped assault rifles etc with alot of ammo for each.

It's also the server where my friend and myself got jumped in the middle of the night by 6 people while there were only 8 people total on the server (so yea do the math 2 + 6 ) And no were not near a hotspot. Ofcourse its possible that that was coincidence after all the map is only 220sq km. Not setting foot on that place again. But then again its also fishy that that server restarts every 2 hours or so.

Been playing there the past week, ran across two pretty big size tent cities...so big deal they had some good weapons in there tents. It's a clan server its not like one dude is going out and finding all this loot by himself.

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