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New player perspective 1.7.2

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First of all, I started playing only on 1.7.2 and I have to say I am already not caring about the zombies. They are so easy to lose that it is a joke and if you plan your movement you can avoid agro completely in most cases.

Last night I did a lap of Cherno and sure I did agro some zombies but after taking some quick turns or running through a house I lost them every time. One other situation comes to mind where there were 4 zombies walking northbound and I wanted to cross the street to the east of them. I waited behind a fence until they moved past my position and then sprinted across to the west side of the road no less than 10 meters behind them. I like this run and hide gameplay a lot more than crawl and crouch (my very brief experience of 1.7.5 prior to patch)

I am only making this post because of all the recent angst on the forums about 1.7.2 being broken which I do not believe to be the case.

TL;DR I think the zombies are very easy to deal with, its almost as if their deaf currently.

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Welcome to dayz, where we hunt players because "theres nothing else to do"

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Thanks nightpaws.

I had lurked on these forums for the past few weeks before trying DayZ and I really only felt compelled to post because the forums were painting a completely different picture of the zombies difficulty to what actually exists.

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DayZ is very much a sandbox right now. You can make the zombies more challenging if you want, people just aren't very creative and assume there is only 1 right way to play. Try making it through Cherno with just a crossbow and a sack of bolts, that can get interesting very quickly.

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I agree wholeheartedly.. Zombies are really easy at the moment.. There needs to be many more in the cities and they should do more damage as well as take more damage to be killed.

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They are so easy to lose that it is a joke and if you plan your movement you can avoid agro completely in most cases.

Completely agree , no challange from them at the minute. Still good fun to agro a bunch and find another unsuspecting player to 'dump' them on , then hind and watch from around a corner.

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