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Some stupid questions..

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1.Regarding zombie detection distances.. How close can you get to a zombie before being detected in prone, crouch, standing position? How much do these distances vary in daytime vs nighttime? Is it possible to lose a pursuing zombie due to darkness?

2. How do you save your state on a server prior to logging off? Do you have to? I can see the save option from the game menu, but I can never click on it in the servers I've been on.

3. It makes little sense to save if you can't find the server you saved on when you log in. How do you add favorite servers in the normal in game server menu? I'm not seeing a button or option anywhere to add favorites.

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1. I'm not too sure myself, I've heard they see you less during the night time. You can evade hoppers and crawling zombies but runners are extremely hard to rid of. The distance I am aware about is unknown and varies via stance.

2. Just log off, simple. It saves automatically.

3. I don't think you can, write down the server you join!

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1. You will figure it out. Zombies never stop.

2. The server saves your character data.

3. Your character data is saved to a central database so you play the same character across all servers.

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