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LU50 Admin, multiple cases of abuse

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Me and my friend were driving from the south to Zelenogorsk while hitting all the deer stands. While investigating one Bruce the server admin appeared infront of us and saluted us, he had no guns so we just walked back to our car assuming he was server hopping or teleporting. While we were driving away Bruce saw us in the car and kicked me from the game. I logged back in and drove a bit furthur and he kicked me and my friend again and downed the server.


After about half an hour or an hour the server came back up and I ran to where our car was expecting Bruce the admin to be there stealing it. Of course he was so I shot a couple of dmr shots into his skull while he was driving it away and.. of course he kicks me and downs the server



You can see the top of the car under the "Continue". When the server came back again the car was gone so I don't know if he rolled it back or something but he isn't kicking us now that the car is gone.

I would like to see why Bruce did this other than the car and I hope something can be done about his server even tho I have several cars on it and it has been my main server for a few weeks now.

Edited by barracuda546
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Indeed it was unprovoked kick as well. Considering we did not shoot at him and just let him be. And the fact that he brought down the server 2 times just to take the car seems unfair.

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