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Installing ARMA II beta patches, Running beta patches & installing DayZ.

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Ive seen a large rise in newbies coming here and getting stuck installing dayz or installing/running the new Arma II beta patches.

Ok so i much prefer NOT to use any 3rd party programs to update DayZ/ARMA II or run either.

Ive been playing DayZ well before such a program was even available.

Here's how i do it, Hope this helps.


Download the v1.7.2.1(or whatever DayZ mod you would like to install)patch, Place the files here, In my case its > D:\Game Installs\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\addons ... You will have to create a folder called "@DayZ" inside your operation arrowhead folder then inside the "@DayZ" folder create another called "addons" Copy the v1.7.2.1(or whatever DayZ mod you would like to install)mod into the "addons" folder.

If you just installing a new version of the DayZ mod just make sure to delete any old files from the "addons" folder just to be sure of a fresh install with no conflicts.

Download the latest ARMA II 94700(at the time of typing)beta patch from here(right at the top inside the green bar is the latest version) > http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Once downloaded, Extract the files, Right click the file named "ARMA2_OA_Build_94700" & run this as administrator.

Then download this file named "DayZbeta" > http://dayz.sykotix....ds/DayZbeta.zip Extract it & place the "DayZbeta" batch file onto your 2 operation arrowhead folder, Like this > D:\Game Installs\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead.

Ok now create a shortcut of the "DayZbeta" file onto your desktop and use this to launch the game, What this "DayZbeta" batch file does its basically tells ARMA II to run the latest beta version, In this current case beta patch v94700. Ive only tested this on my Steam version of the game but it runs fantastic for me, Ive been using this method for months now without issue, You will notice a DOS window opens, Its fine to just close this also your game may start windowed, Just hold Alt and press enter to make it full screen.

Now if/when you update to a newer version of the ARMA II beta patch just follow the above instructions again & run the game with the same "DayZbeta" shortcut from your desktop as normal.

When you start the game in the bottom right of your screen you should notice you are now running the latest ARMA II beta patch.

Edited by ATOJAR

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Oh and something else that usually helps me find good servers, When in in multiplayer lobby right down the bottom of your screen you can see a "Filter" tab, Click this, In the "Host:" box type "DayZ" .... Set your "Max. Ping:" so something like 100 or 150(i use 150)& set "Passworded:" to "Hide" then click OK.

This will bring up only DayZ servers with a ping below whatever you set in the filter & no passworded servers will show.

Edited by ATOJAR

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Im just getting wrong cd error all time. Any idea how to fix it? I run as administrator aswell.

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Ok, im getting frustrated, I was gonna download the newest one today. I got it, and still get the wrong cd error...BUT now I have gotten the old one (94700) working. How was that possible? Strange...

Anyway, any tips of how to get the newest one without wrong cd is much appriciated! Or some ideas, theory or anything PM or message here.

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Ok, im getting frustrated, I was gonna download the newest one today. I got it, and still get the wrong cd error...BUT now I have gotten the old one (94700) working. How was that possible? Strange...

Anyway, any tips of how to get the newest one without wrong cd is much appriciated! Or some ideas, theory or anything PM or message here.

i had that error after installing on a second computer, i had to delete all local content from steam, delete all remnants from the registry, and re download, of course if yours isnt a steam version try simply uninstalling then double check the registry for remnants, before reinstalling.

I tried to avoid a full reinstall myself as many seperate ways as i could but this was the least frustrating and it actually worked.

So long as you're not pirating of course.

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